
version 1.0.0
module: transition(vdom) version 0.0.1
size-min gzipped: 1.69 kb (incl. dependencies: kb)
dependencies: polyfill
maintanance: Marco Asbreuk

all modules


CSS-transitions managable by Promises with extra handles.

Getting Started

With nodejs:

The module vdom is a typical browser-module.

In the browser:

For browser-usage, ITSA has a predefined loaderfiles. Once included, a global ITSA object with default features is available. For customized loaderfiles, read: Customized build.

<script src="/itsabuild-min.js"></script>
When using your own customized build-file, this module-requirement needs to be invoked with the window-object.

The Basics

Transitions are happening through CSS-transitions. This is available in every modern browser and IE10+. The transitions are delivers by the vdom-module. There are serveral sugar methods and setting classes that have a transition can be managed. All transition-methods return a Promise.

Transitions have a lot of pitfalls. This module uses a transition-fix to handle these. For example: auto width and height will transition properly. Also, the Promise will be resolved as soon as the transition has finished, even if several properties have different duration, or when the transitionend-events get messy (which happen in webkit with shorthand properties).

How to start a transition

The cleanest way to start a transition is by using classes. The methods setClass and toggleClass can (optionally) return a Promise by which class-transitions can be managed.

However, when the highest level of management is needed, you should use the method node.transition. This has a slightly better way of management, because it can revert transitions halfway (which cannot be done with class-transitions). Also, transition should be used with non-vendor css-properties: the properties are automaticly set into the proper vendor-specific properties. Using classes, you will need to define vendor specific properties in the styles.

Transitioning with classes

There are four node-methods which can return a Promise:

By setting the second argument true, the method will return a Promise and the transition is guaranteed to process well.

Example Promised setClass:

.big {
    height: 300px;
    width: 600px;
    -webkit-transition: all 3s;
    -moz-transition: all 3s;
    -ms-transition: all 3s;
    -o-transition: all 3s;
    transition: all 3s;
transPromise = someNode.setClass('big', true);

    function() {
        // the transition has finished here

In case you don't need a Promise, but need the transition-fix for a proper transition, you can use the firth argument:

someNode.setClass('big', false, true);

To achieve a proper transition, a transition-fix is used. Temporarely, the right css-properties are set inline during the transition. Once the transition is finished, they will be removed, leaving only the classname (and former inline css) behind.

Transitioning with node.transition()

Node.transition() is a specialized method for fine grained transitions. The css-properties will be set inline, even after transition. You can see it as node.setInlineStyles() but also specifying the transition.

Example node.transition():

myTrans = [
    {property: 'width', value: '600px', duration: 5},
    {property: 'height', value: '250px', duration: 10, delay: 2},
    {property: 'background-color', value: '#00F', duration: 15}

transPromise = someNode.transition(myTrans);

    function() {
        // the transition has finished here

Chaining transitions

Because both class-transition as well as node-transitions return Promise, they can be easily chained:

Example chaining class-transition:

transPromise = someNode.setClass('big', true).then(
   someNode.setClass.bind(someNode, 'blue', true)

    function() {
        // the transition has finished here

Extra managability

All transitioned Promises (explained above) have extra methods (handles) to manage the transition before it gets ready. All of theze methods (except unfreeze()) return a Promise themselves, with the elasped-time as argument. These methods are:


Will cancel the transition and revert into the initial state at once.


Will freeze (halt) the transition. You can unfreeze it later on.


Will unfreeze (continue) a frozen transition.


Will finish the transition at once, disregarding any further transition.


    transPromise = myNode.toggleClass(['blue', 'big'], null, true);
        function(elapsed) {
            // `elapsed` is the time in ms that was ran until the promise got frozen

About IE9

IE9 does not support transitionsu>. Using the transitions of the vdom-module with IE9 will make the transision to finish immediately.

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