
version 1.0.0
module: panel version 0.0.1
size-min gzipped: 1.69 kb (incl. dependencies: kb)
dependencies: polyfill
maintanance: Marco Asbreuk

all modules


Creating floating Panel-nodes which can be shown and hidden.

Getting Started

With nodejs:

The module panel is a typical browser-module.

In the browser:

For browser-usage, ITSA has a predefined loaderfiles. Once included, a global ITSA object with default features is available. For customized loaderfiles, read: Customized build.

<script src="/itsabuild-min.js"></script>
When using your own customized build-file, this module-requirement needs to be invoked with the window-object.

The Basics

Panels are floating divs with content and optionally a header and footer. A Panel is defined by using: document.createPanel() which accepts as argument a config-object and optionally a boolean to tell whether the panel is a system-node (system-nodes keep hidden when querying the dom and retain when their parent-node gets new content).

When defining a panel, a new div element gets prepended to body. This panel-node has the panel-plugin by which the panel can be controlled. The config that is passed throug as first argument is being used as the plugin.model, so changing any properties on this object will control the panel.

Show and hide a panel

A panel can be shown or hidden by controlling model.visible. Also, a panel will always hide whenever a button is pressed inside the header or footer. The latter can be prevented by the panel:buttonhide-event.

Defining a new Panel

A Panel is defined by using: document.createPanel(). When a new Panel is defined, you pass through an object that will serve as the panel-plugin's model:

Example simple panel

    var modelData = {
        content: 'I am a panel'

    // show the panel by set "visible" true:
    modelData.visible = true;

Properties of a Panel

A Panel has several properties, which all can be set and controlled by the config-argument which represents the plugin.model object. This object is the same as what was passed through when initiated, but can also be retrieved by either:

var model = panelNode._plugins.panel.model;


    function(plugin) {
        var model = plugin.model;

Note that using the first way might result in undefined when the panel is not initialized yet.



{String} The main content of the panel.

{String} The header-content. When not specified and headerCloseBtn===false and there is a button-element in the footer, the header will not be shown.

{String} The footer-content. When not specified, the footer will not be shown.


{boolean} Whether the panel is visible. Defaults false.


{boolean} Controls whether the panel will be set ontop of other panels when it is made visible, even if its stack-number is lower than another visible panel. Defaults true.


{boolean} Whether to show the close-button in the header. Defaults false, but will set true if there is no button-element in the footer.


{number} The stack-number, which is alike the z-index. Not exactly the same: the real z-index is calculated by the stack-number. Panels with higher stack-number lie above panels with lower, although the value of modal and onTopWhenShowed might change this. Default is: 1.


{number} the leftposition on the screen in pixels.


{number} The top-positionon the screen in pixels.


{boolean} Whether to center the panel. When draggable, its position can become "uncentered" when dragged. Defaults true.


{number} The minimal width of the panel, which is 150 px by default.


{number} The maximal width of the panel, which is 90% by default.


{number} The minimal height of the panel, which is 75px by default.


{number} The minimal height of the panel, which is undefined by default.

{boolean} Whether the panel should appear modal which means that a blurred layer appears behind the panel and obave the document.


{boolean} Whether the panel is draggable


{boolean} Whether the panel's form-elements are controlled by the focusmanager. Defaults true.


{Function} optional validation-function which recieves the event-object of the panel:hide-event and can be used to prevent the panel from hiding. When this function is defined, the returnvalue must be a boolean: when returned false, the panel:hide-event gets preventDefaulted, which means: it won't hide.

Example validate

var validateFn = function(e) {
    // only hide when pressed the 'Ok'-button:
    return (e.button.getHTML()==='Ok');

var modelData = {
    header: 'title',
    footer: '<button class="pure-button">Cancel</button><button class="pure-button">Ok</button>',
    content: 'I am a panel',
    visible: true,
    validate: validateFn



All panels emit panel:shown and panel:hidden whenever they are shown or hidden, either by buttonclicks or when controlling the panel.model. These events cannot be prevent-defaulted.

All panels will also emit the panel:buttonhide event when hiding by clicking on a button. The default-function will hide the panel, so subscribing to the before-event can prevent hiding and subscribing to the after-event makes sure the subscriber gets invoked when the panel is hidden.



This event-object has the next relevant properties:


This event-object has the next relevant properties:


This event-object has the next relevant properties:

API Docs