
version 1.0.0
module: Observers(js-ext) version 0.0.1
size-min gzipped: 1.69 kb (incl. dependencies: kb)
dependencies: polyfill
maintanance: Marco Asbreuk

all modules

Observers add simple observing for changes to objects and arrays. The observation is done deep (nested).

Using Classes in a very flexible and easy way.

Getting Started

With nodejs:

Create your project using this package.json. After downloaded, run npm install and start writing your application:

var ITSA = require('itsa');

In the browser:

For browser-usage, ITSA has a predefined loaderfiles. Once included, a global ITSA object with default features is available. For customized loaderfiles, read: Customized build.

<script src="/itsabuild-min.js"></script>

The Basics

Observing changes to objects or arrays could be done with ES6's Object.observe and Array.observe. These are static methods with the disadvantage observing only its direct members: not deep. Also, not all browsers support these ES feature yet.

This module adds teh methods object.observe, object.unobserve, array.observe and array.unobserve to the prototype of Object and Array. The observers are observing deep and uses a polyfill for browsers that don't support Object.observe and Array.observe natively.

When observing, you create an observer. When you stop observing, you allways need to unobserve to free occupied memory. Also, unobserving needs the same callback-reference as which is used by starting observing. The callback comes with one argument: the object/array-instance that is being observed.

Example observing

var model = {},

callbackFn = function(item) {
    // `item` equals the bound model
    alert('model is changed');

// start observing:

model.dummy = 10; // --> will invoke `callbackFn` with `this` === model

Example unobserving

var model = {},

callbackFn = function(item) {
    // `item` equals the bound model
    alert('model is changed');

// start observing:

model.dummy = 10;

// stop observing:
API Docs

Table of Contents