
version 1.0.0
module: focusmanager version 0.0.1
size-min gzipped: 0.35 kb (incl. dependencies: 26.72 kb)
dependencies: vdom, event-dom, polyfill, utils, js-ext
maintanance: Marco Asbreuk

all modules


Easy focusmanagement, to be set up by plain HTML or Plugin.

Getting Started

With nodejs:

The module focusmanager is a typical browser-module.

In the browser:

For browser-usage, ITSA has a predefined loaderfiles. Once included, a global ITSA object with default features is available. For customized loaderfiles, read: Customized build.

<script src="/itsabuild-min.js"></script>
When using your own customized build-file, this module-requirement needs to be invoked with the window-object.

The Basics

The focusmanager can be set on any containernode. This can be done by plain HTML (setting the propper attributes), or by using the Plugin, which is nothing more than a routine to fill the right attributes through javascript.

By default, any element inside the container that matches this selector: "input, button, select, textarea, .focusable" can retrieve focus. Note the any item with the class .focusable gets selected as well, even if it is a non-focusable element by default (like li or div-elements). Whenever the focusmanagable-container gets focussed on a non-focussable element, the focus will be set on the last focussed element of the container.

Also, this module takes care of marking all elements up the tree of the focussed element with the class: focussed. This way, those elements can be styled, when a descendent element has focus (and not the ancestor itself).

Focussing is done real-time using delegation: it always works, regardless of focusable nodes getting added or removed inside the container.

Setting up with HTML

The preferred way is to set the focusmanager through HTML, because you don't need client-side rendering. Making a container a focusmanager is done with the attribute plugin-fm, which can be set "true", or a selector-specification:

Example simple focusmanager:

<div class="pure-form" plugin-fm="true">
    <input type="text" />
    <input type="text" />
    <button class="pure-button">Cancel</button>
    <button class="pure-button">OK</button>

Example focusmanager with different selector:

<ul plugin-fm="true" fm-manage="li">
    <li>first item</li>
    <li>second item</li>
    <li>third item</li>

Setting up with Plugin

A node can also be made a focusmanager by using the plugin which gets returned by the module (when required). Additional config can be set through the second argument:

Example simple focusmanager by Plugin:

<div class="pure-form">
    <input type="text" />
    <input type="text" />
    <button class="pure-button">Cancel</button>
    <button class="pure-button">OK</button>
    var ITSA = require('itsa'),
        containers = document.getAll('.pure-form');


Example focusmanager by Plugin with different selector:

<ul class="managable-list">
    <li>first item</li>
    <li>second item</li>
    <li>third item</li>
    var ITSA = require('itsa'),
        containers = document.getAll('.managable-list');

    containers.plug('fm', {manage: 'li'});

The method plug() is available on both NodeLists as well as Elements.

Nested focusmanagers

Focusmanagers can be nested. There is no bleed-in or bleed-out of the manage-keys. In some cases, a nested focusmanager is a focusable item on the parent as well. In those cases, focussing through the parent-manager will set focus on the nested manager, but doesn't refocus into this nested manager. This way, you can focus through all the items of the parent manager where the nested manager is just another item.

However -in those cases- you need a way to get inside and outside the nested manager. This can be done with the attibutes fm-keyenter and fm-keyleave.

Example nested focusmanager

<form plugin-fm="true">
    <input id="name" type="text" value="first"/>
    <input id="pw" type="password" value="second"/>
    <div fm-manage="true">
        <input id="nameinner" type="text" value="first"/>
        <input id="pwinner" type="password" value="second"/>
    <inputtype="checkbox" /> I've read the conditions</label>
    <button >OK</button>


Additional options can be set directly by HTML, or by using the second argument of the Plugin (see the examples above).


All options are described without the namespace: these are the properties you can use with the Plugin. When defining the attributes directly, you need to prepend the namespace fm-.


Can be set "true" or any selector.


Can be set "true". If set, then whenever the focusmanager-container gets focussed on a non-focussable element, the focus will not be set on the last focussed element, but on the first element that has the attribute fm-defaultitem="true" set.


Can be set to a proper keyCode, optional prepended by one or more special-keys: ctrl, cmd, alt, shift. Whenever special-keys are used, they need to be appended with +. Valid examples are: "38", "shift+38", "ctrl+shift+38".

The keyup property manages the key that makes the focus going upward.


Can be set to a proper keyCode, optional prepended by one or more special-keys: ctrl, cmd, alt, shift. Whenever special-keys are used, they need to be appended with +. Valid examples are: "38", "shift+38", "ctrl+shift+38".

The keydown property manages the key that makes the focus going downward.


When working with nested focusmanagers, the keyenter property holds the key that will set the focus into the nested manager.


When working with nested focusmanagers, the keyleave property holds the key that will set the focus into parent manager.


To prevent looping through the focussable items. By default the focusmanager will loop: set this attribute to prevent this.


The focussable elements can be given options so that the focusmanager treats them specially.


All options are described with the namespace: you need to set them with plain HTML, or by using node.setAttr(), the plugin won't do this, for it is designed to alter the container-node, not the separate focussable descendants.


Can be set "true". If set, then whenever the focusmanager-container gets focussed on a non-focussable element, the focus will be set on this element.


Can be set "true". Only applyable for input-elements of the type text or password. If set, then whenever the Enter-key gets pressed, the first button.pure-button-primary will be focussed and pressed.

Example element-options

<form class="pure-form" plugin-fm="true">
    <input type="text" placeholder="username" fm-defaultitem="true" />
    <input type="password"  placeholder="password" fm-primaryonenter="true"/>
    <button class="pure-button pure-button-primary" type="submit">OK</button>

This example creates a form where you can do:

And then the form gets submitted automaticly.

API Docs