
version 1.0.0
module: event-mobile
maintanance: Marco Asbreuk
all modules

doubletap without singletap

Normally, doubletap will emit a doubletap event and two singletap events. To prevent this, use Event.Hammer.requireFailure on both doubletap and tripletap. Not however, that a tap-event (single) will always wait until it is sure there was no double or tripletap. Therefore the userexperience will be slowered down.

Doubletap on the Show popup to show a pop-up. Notice that the popup changes based on a single or doubletap.


    <button id="buttongo" class="pure-button pure-button-primary pure-button-bordered">Show popup</button>
<script src="itsabuild-min.js"></script>
    var showMsgSingle = function(e) {
        alert('Button was single tapped');
    var showMsgDouble = function(e) {
        alert('Button was double tapped');

    var singletap = ITSA.Event.hammertime.get('tap');
    var doubletap = ITSA.Event.hammertime.get('doubletap');
    var tripletap = ITSA.Event.hammertime.get('tripletap');

    singletap.requireFailure([tripletap, doubletap]);

    ITSA.Event.after('tap', showMsgSingle, '#buttongo');
    ITSA.Event.after('doubletap', showMsgDouble, '#buttongo');
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