Draggable items can be dropped inside dropzones. When these dronzones are specified with emittername="somename", then they only accept draggable items with this specified emitterName. The draggable items can be labelled through the attribute dd-emittername="somename" to identify the emitter.
Both the draggable items as well as dropzones can be setup using javascript as well. This is done with the red-item. The second blue-item gets its emitterName on the fly by subscribing to the dd-start event.
Drag the items to the dropzones..
<style type="text/css">
.dropzone-awake[dz-dropzone] {
border-style: dashed;
<div id="constr" class="base-container">
<div class="container" plugin-dd="true" dd-emitter="blue"></div>
<div id="without-emitter" class="container" plugin-dd="true"></div>
<div id="without" class="container"></div>
<div class="drop-container" plugin-dz="true" dz-dropzone="emitter=blue">only blue items</div>
<div id="dropzone-without" class="drop-container">only red items</div>
<script src="itsabuild-min.js"></script>
document.getElement('#without').plug('dd', {emitter: 'red'});
document.getElement('#dropzone-without').plug('dz', {dropzone: 'true emitter=red'});
ITSA.Event.before('dd', function(e) {
e.emitter = "blue";
console.info('SETTING EMITTER');
}, '#without-emitter');