
version 1.0.0
module: event-dom
maintanance: Marco Asbreuk
all modules

DOM-events delegated

All DOM-events are subscribed using delegation. Even if you are listening to one node by id-reference. Advantage of this approach is that you can setup the listeners without the need to worry whether the nodes are in the DOM. This examples shows how subscribers of a specific node as well as multiple nodes by a selector are set up. The subscribers are setup before the nodes are in the DOM.

Click on the Add-button to add some extra buttons. Click on those extra buttons to show a pop-up.


    <div id="addbtn-container">
        <button id="addbtn" class="pure-button pure-button-primary pure-button-bordered">Add button</button>

    <div id="container"></div>
<script src="itsabuild-min.js"></script>
    var count, container, addNewButton, showButtonText;

    count = 0;
    container = document.getElement('#container');

    addNewButton = function(e) {
        container.append('<button class="pure-button pure-button-primary pure-button-bordered">Click me '+(++count)+'</button>');

    showButtonText = function(e) {

    ITSA.Event.after('tap', addNewButton, '#addbtn');
    ITSA.Event.after('tap', showButtonText, '#container button');

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