Dragging can be monitored using the dd, dd-drag and dd-drop events.
Note: it is highly recommended to use the Promised-way instead of this example.
Drag the item and watch for the events.
<div class="container" plugin-dd="true" dd-effect-allowed="all">drag me</div>
<div class="monitor-container"></div>
<script src="itsabuild-min.js"></script>
var monitorCont = document.getElement('.monitor-container');
ITSA.Event.after('dd', function(e) {
monitorCont.setHTML('dd --> drag started');
ITSA.Event.after('dd-drag', function(e) {
var node = monitorCont.getElement('.monitor-drag'),
if (node) {
count = node.getData('count')+1;
node.setData('count', count);
node.setText('dd-drag --> item is dragging: '+count+' events');
else {
monitorCont.append('<p class="monitor-drag">dd-drag --> item is dragging: 1 event</p>');
node = monitorCont.getElement('.monitor-drag');
node.setData('count', 1);
ITSA.Event.after('dd-drop', function(e) {
monitorCont.append('<p>dd-drop --> drag has finished</p>');