"use strict";
* Extends Array into an array with special utility-methods that can be applied upon its members.
* The membres should be vElement's
* <i>Copyright (c) 2014 ITSA - https://github.com/itsa</i>
* <br>
* New BSD License - http://choosealicense.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause/
* @module vdom
* @submodule element-array
* @class ElementArray
* @since 0.0.1
var createHashMap = require('js-ext/extra/hashmap.js').createMap;
module.exports = function (window) {
window._ITSAmodules || Object.protectedProp(window, '_ITSAmodules', createHashMap());
if (window._ITSAmodules.ElementArray) {
return window._ITSAmodules.ElementArray; // ElementArray was already created
var forEach = function(list, method, args) {
var len = list.length,
i, element;
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
element = list[i];
element[method].apply(element, args);
return list;
NodeListPrototype = window.NodeList.prototype,
HTMLCollectionPrototype = window.HTMLCollection.prototype,
arrayMethods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Array.prototype),
ElementArrayMethods = {
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Appends a HtmlElement or text at the end of HtmlElement's innerHTML.
* @method append
* @param content {HtmlElement|HtmlElementList|String} content to append
* @param escape {Boolean} whether to insert `escaped` content, leading it into only text inserted
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
append: function(/* content, escape */) {
return forEach(this, 'append', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Sets the inline-style of the HtmlElement exactly to the specified `value`, overruling previous values.
* Making the HtmlElement's inline-style look like: style="value".
* This is meant for a quick one-time setup. For individually inline style-properties to be set, you can use `setInlineStyle()`.
* @method defineInlineStyle
* @param value {String} the style string to be set
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
defineInlineStyle: function(/* value */) {
return forEach(this, 'defineInlineStyle', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Checks whether the plugin is plugged in at ALL the HtmlElements of the NodeList/HTMLCollection.
* Checks whether all its attributes are set.
* @method isPlugged
* @param pluginClass {NodePlugin} The plugin that should be plugged. Needs to be the Class, not an instance!
* @return {Boolean} whether the plugin is plugged in
* @since 0.0.1
isPlugged: function(NodePluginClass) {
return this.every(function(element) {
return element.isPlugged(NodePluginClass);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Plugs in the plugin on the HtmlElement, and gives is special behaviour by setting the appropriate attributes.
* @method plug
* @param pluginClass {NodePlugin} The plugin that should be plugged. Needs to be the Class, not an instance!
* @param options {Object} any options that should be passed through when the class is instantiated.
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
plug: function(/* NodePluginClass, options */) {
return forEach(this, 'plug', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Prepends a HtmlElement or text at the start of HtmlElement's innerHTML.
* @method prepend
* @param content {HtmlElement|HtmlElementList|String} content to prepend
* @param [escape] {Boolean} whether to insert `escaped` content, leading it into only text inserted
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
prepend: function(/* content, escape */) {
return forEach(this, 'prepend', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Removes the attribute from the HtmlElement.
* Alias for removeAttribute().
* @method removeAttr
* @param attributeName {String}
* @param [silent=false] {Boolean} prevent node-mutation events by the Event-module to emit
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
removeAttr: function(/* attributeName, silent */) {
return forEach(this, 'removeAttr', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Removes multiple attributes on the Element.
* The argument should be one ore more AttributeNames.
* @example
* instance.removeAttrs(['tabIndex', 'style']);
* @method removeAttrs
* @param attributeData {Array|String}
* @param [silent=false] {Boolean} prevent node-mutation events by the Event-module to emit
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
removeAttrs: function(/* attributeData, silent */) {
return forEach(this, 'removeAttrs', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Removes a className from the HtmlElement.
* @method removeClass
* @param className {String} the className that should be removed.
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
removeClass: function(/* className */) {
return forEach(this, 'removeClass', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Removes data specified by `key`. When no arguments are passed, all node-data (key-value pairs) will be removed.
* @method removeData
* @param key {string} name of the key
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
removeData: function(/* key */) {
return forEach(this, 'removeData', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Removes a css-property (inline) out of the HtmlElement. Use camelCase.
* @method removeInlineStyle
* @param cssAttribute {String} the css-property to be removed
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
removeInlineStyle: function(/* cssAttribute */) {
return forEach(this, 'removeInlineStyle', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Removes the HtmlElement from the DOM.
* @method removeNode
* @since 0.0.1
removeNode: function() {
var instance = this;
forEach(this, 'remove');
instance.length = 0;
return instance;
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Replaces the className of the HtmlElement with a new className.
* If the previous className is not available, the new className is set nevertheless.
* @method replaceClass
* @param prevClassName {String} the className to be replaced
* @param newClassName {String} the className to be set
* @param [force ] {Boolean} whether the new className should be set, even is the previous className isn't there
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
replaceClass: function(/* prevClassName, newClassName, force */) {
return forEach(this, 'replaceClass', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Replaces the HtmlElement with a new HtmlElement.
* @method replaceNode
* @param newHtmlElement {HtmlElement|String} the new HtmlElement
* @param [escape] {Boolean} whether to insert `escaped` content, leading it into only text inserted
* @since 0.0.1
replaceNode: function(newHtmlElement, escape) {
var instance = this,
len = instance.length,
for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
instance[i] = instance[i].replace(newHtmlElement, escape);
// instance[i].replace(newHtmlElement, escape);
return instance;
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Sets the attribute on the HtmlElement with the specified value.
* Alias for setAttribute().
* @method setAttr
* @param attributeName {String}
* @param value {Any} the value that belongs to `key`
* @param [silent=false] {Boolean} prevent node-mutation events by the Event-module to emit
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
setAttr: function(/* attributeData, silent */) {
return forEach(this, 'setAttr', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Sets multiple attributes on the Element with the specified value.
* The argument should be one ore more Objects with the properties: `name` and `value`
* @example
* instance.setAttrs([
* {name: 'tabIndex', value: '0'},
* {name: 'style', value: 'color: #000;'}
* ]);
* @method setAttrs
* @param attributeData {Array|Object}
* @param [silent=false] {Boolean} prevent node-mutation events by the Event-module to emit
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
setAttrs: function(/* attributeName, value, silent */) {
return forEach(this, 'setAttrs', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Adds a class to the HtmlElement. If the class already exists it won't be duplicated.
* @method setClass
* @param className {String} className to be added
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
setClass: function(/* className */) {
return forEach(this, 'setClass', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Stores arbitary `data` at the HtmlElement. This has nothing to do with node-attributes whatsoever,
* it is just a way to bind any data to the specific Element so it can be retrieved later on with `getData()`.
* @method setData
* @param key {string} name of the key
* @param value {Any} the value that belongs to `key`
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
setData: function(/* key, value */) {
return forEach(this, 'setData', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Sets the content of the HtmlElement (innerHTML). Careful: only set content like this if you controll the data and
* are sure what is going inside. Otherwise XSS might occur. If you let the user insert, or insert right from a db,
* you might be better of using setContent().
* @method setHTML
* @param content {HtmlElement|HtmlElementList|String} content to append
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
setHTML: function(/* content */) {
return forEach(this, 'setHTML', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Sets a css-property (inline) out of the HtmlElement. Use camelCase.
* Note: no need to camelCase cssProperty: both `margin-left` as well as `marginLeft` are fine
* @method setStyle
* @param cssAttribute {String} the css-property to be set
* @param value {String} the css-value
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
setInlineStyle: function(/* cssAttribute, value */) {
return forEach(this, 'setInlineStyle', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Gets or sets the outerHTML of both the Element as well as the representing dom-node.
* Goes through the vdom, so it's superfast.
* Use this property instead of `outerHTML`
* Syncs with the DOM.
* @method setOuterHTML
* @param val {String} the new value to be set
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
setOuterHTML: function(/* content */) {
return forEach(this, 'setOuterHTML', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Sets the content of the HtmlElement. This is a safe way to set the content, because HTML is not parsed.
* If you do need to set HTML inside the node, use setHTML().
* @method setText
* @param content {HtmlElement|HtmlElementList|String} content to append. In case of HTML, it will be escaped.
* @param [escape] {Boolean} whether to insert `escaped` content, leading it into only text inserted
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
setText: function(/* content */) {
return forEach(this, 'setText', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Toggles the className of the Element.
* @method toggleClass
* @param className {String} the className that should be toggled
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
toggleClass: function(/* className */) {
return forEach(this, 'toggleClass', arguments);
* For all vElements of the ElementArray:
* Unplugs a NodePlugin from the HtmlElement.
* @method unplug
* @param pluginClass {NodePlugin} The plugin that should be unplugged. Needs to be the Class, not an instance!
* @chainable
* @since 0.0.1
unplug: function(/* NodePluginClass */) {
return forEach(this, 'unplug', arguments);
// adding Array.prototype methods to NodeList.prototype
// Note: this might be buggy in IE8 and below: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NodeList#Workarounds
arrayMethods.forEach(function(methodName) {
try {
NodeListPrototype[methodName] || (NodeListPrototype[methodName]=Array.prototype[methodName]);
HTMLCollectionPrototype[methodName] || (HTMLCollectionPrototype[methodName]=Array.prototype[methodName]);
catch(err) {
// some properties have only getters and cannot (and don't need) to be set
ElementArray = window._ITSAmodules.ElementArray = {
// unfortunatly, Object.create(Array.prototype) or Object.create([]) don't work as expected -->
// the bracket-notation isn't fucntional anymore:
// see http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2292-extending-javascript-arrays-while-keeping-native-bracket-notation-functionality.htm
createArray: function() {
var newArray = [];
return newArray;
return ElementArray;