API Docs for: 0.0.1

Event Class

Module: event-mobile
Parent Module: event

Defines the Event-Class, which should be instantiated to get its functionality

Copyright (c) 2014 ITSA - https://github.com/itsa New BSD License - http://choosealicense.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause/

Item Index




  • before
  • customEvent
  • callback
  • listener
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:560

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a subscriber to the specified customEvent. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

Examples of valid customevents:

  • 'redmodel:save'
  • 'UI:tap'
  • 'tap' --> alias for 'UI:tap'
  • '*:click' --> careful: will listen to both UIs and non-UI- click-events
  • 'redmodel:*'
  • '*:*'


  • before Boolean

    whether the subscriber is a before subscriber. On falsy, an after-subscriber is assumed.

  • customEvent Array

    Array of Strings. customEvent should conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emitterName.

  • callback Function

    subscriber to the event.

  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether to make the subscriber the first in the list. By default it will pe appended.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • before
  • customEvent
  • callback
  • listener
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:560

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a subscriber to the specified customEvent. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

Examples of valid customevents:

  • 'redmodel:save'
  • 'UI:tap'
  • 'tap' --> alias for 'UI:tap'
  • '*:click' --> careful: will listen to both UIs and non-UI- click-events
  • 'redmodel:*'
  • '*:*'


  • before Boolean

    whether the subscriber is a before subscriber. On falsy, an after-subscriber is assumed.

  • customEvent Array

    Array of Strings. customEvent should conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emitterName.

  • callback Function

    subscriber to the event.

  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether to make the subscriber the first in the list. By default it will pe appended.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • before
  • customEvent
  • callback
  • listener
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:560

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a subscriber to the specified customEvent. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

Examples of valid customevents:

  • 'redmodel:save'
  • 'UI:tap'
  • 'tap' --> alias for 'UI:tap'
  • '*:click' --> careful: will listen to both UIs and non-UI- click-events
  • 'redmodel:*'
  • '*:*'


  • before Boolean

    whether the subscriber is a before subscriber. On falsy, an after-subscriber is assumed.

  • customEvent Array

    Array of Strings. customEvent should conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emitterName.

  • callback Function

    subscriber to the event.

  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether to make the subscriber the first in the list. By default it will pe appended.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • listener
  • before
  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:632

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a subscriber to the specified customEvent. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

Examples of valid customevents:

  • 'redmodel:save'
  • 'UI:tap'
  • 'tap' --> alias for 'UI:tap'
  • '*:click' --> careful: will listen to both UIs and non-UI- click-events
  • 'redmodel:*'
  • '*:*'


  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • before Boolean

    whether the subscriber is a before subscriber. On falsy, an after-subscriber is assumed.

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emitterName.

  • callback Function

    subscriber to the event.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether to make the subscriber the first in the list. By default it will pe appended.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • listener
  • before
  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:632

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a subscriber to the specified customEvent. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

Examples of valid customevents:

  • 'redmodel:save'
  • 'UI:tap'
  • 'tap' --> alias for 'UI:tap'
  • '*:click' --> careful: will listen to both UIs and non-UI- click-events
  • 'redmodel:*'
  • '*:*'


  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • before Boolean

    whether the subscriber is a before subscriber. On falsy, an after-subscriber is assumed.

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emitterName.

  • callback Function

    subscriber to the event.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether to make the subscriber the first in the list. By default it will pe appended.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • listener
  • before
  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:632

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a subscriber to the specified customEvent. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

Examples of valid customevents:

  • 'redmodel:save'
  • 'UI:tap'
  • 'tap' --> alias for 'UI:tap'
  • '*:click' --> careful: will listen to both UIs and non-UI- click-events
  • 'redmodel:*'
  • '*:*'


  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • before Boolean

    whether the subscriber is a before subscriber. On falsy, an after-subscriber is assumed.

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emitterName.

  • callback Function

    subscriber to the event.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether to make the subscriber the first in the list. By default it will pe appended.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • eventName
  • e

Provided by the event-dom module.

Defined in src/event-dom/event-dom.js:855

Available since 0.0.1

Does the actual transportation from DOM-events into the Eventsystem. It also looks at the response of the Eventsystem: on e.halt() or e.preventDefault(), the original DOM-event will be preventDefaulted.


  • eventName String

    the customEvent that is transported to the eventsystem

  • e Object



  • e
  • [checkFilter]
  • [before]
  • [checkFilter]
  • subscribers

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:914

Available since 0.0.1

Does the actual invocation of a subscriber.


  • e Object


  • [checkFilter] Boolean optional
  • [before] Boolean optional

    whether it concerns before subscribers

  • [checkFilter] Boolean optional
  • subscribers Array

    contains subscribers (objects) with these members:

    • subscriber.o {Object} context of the callback
    • subscriber.cb {Function} callback to be invoked
    • subscriber.f {Function} filter to be applied
    • subscriber.t {DOM-node} target for the specific selector, which will be set as e.target only when event-dom is active and there are filter-selectors
    • subscriber.n {DOM-node} highest dom-node that acts as the container for delegation. only when event-dom is active and there are filter-selectors
    • subscriber.s {Boolean} true when the subscription was set to itself by using "this:eventName"


  • e
  • [checkFilter]
  • [before]
  • [checkFilter]
  • subscribers

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:914

Available since 0.0.1

Does the actual invocation of a subscriber.


  • e Object


  • [checkFilter] Boolean optional
  • [before] Boolean optional

    whether it concerns before subscribers

  • [checkFilter] Boolean optional
  • subscribers Array

    contains subscribers (objects) with these members:

    • subscriber.o {Object} context of the callback
    • subscriber.cb {Function} callback to be invoked
    • subscriber.f {Function} filter to be applied
    • subscriber.t {DOM-node} target for the specific selector, which will be set as e.target only when event-dom is active and there are filter-selectors
    • subscriber.n {DOM-node} highest dom-node that acts as the container for delegation. only when event-dom is active and there are filter-selectors
    • subscriber.s {Boolean} true when the subscription was set to itself by using "this:eventName"


  • e
  • [checkFilter]
  • [before]
  • [checkFilter]
  • subscribers

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:914

Available since 0.0.1

Does the actual invocation of a subscriber.


  • e Object


  • [checkFilter] Boolean optional
  • [before] Boolean optional

    whether it concerns before subscribers

  • [checkFilter] Boolean optional
  • subscribers Array

    contains subscribers (objects) with these members:

    • subscriber.o {Object} context of the callback
    • subscriber.cb {Function} callback to be invoked
    • subscriber.f {Function} filter to be applied
    • subscriber.t {DOM-node} target for the specific selector, which will be set as e.target only when event-dom is active and there are filter-selectors
    • subscriber.n {DOM-node} highest dom-node that acts as the container for delegation. only when event-dom is active and there are filter-selectors
    • subscriber.s {Boolean} true when the subscription was set to itself by using "this:eventName"


  • listener
  • customEvent
private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:1029

Available since 0.0.1

Removes subscribers from the multiple customevents. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

Examples of valid customevents:

  • 'redmodel:save'
  • 'UI:tap'
  • 'tap' --> alias for 'UI:tap'
  • '*:click' --> careful: will listen to both UIs and non-UI- click-events
  • 'redmodel:*'
  • '*:*'


  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emmiterName.


  • listener
  • customEvent
private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:1029

Available since 0.0.1

Removes subscribers from the multiple customevents. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

Examples of valid customevents:

  • 'redmodel:save'
  • 'UI:tap'
  • 'tap' --> alias for 'UI:tap'
  • '*:click' --> careful: will listen to both UIs and non-UI- click-events
  • 'redmodel:*'
  • '*:*'


  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emmiterName.


  • listener
  • before
  • customEvent
  • [callback]
private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:964

Available since 0.0.1

Removes a subscriber from the specified customEvent. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName.


  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • before Boolean

    whether the subscriber is a before subscriber. On falsy, an after-subscriber is assumed.

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emmiterName.

  • [callback] Function optional

    subscriber to the event, when not set, all subscribers of the listener to this customEvent will be removed.


  • listener
  • before
  • customEvent
  • [callback]
private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:964

Available since 0.0.1

Removes a subscriber from the specified customEvent. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName.


  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • before Boolean

    whether the subscriber is a before subscriber. On falsy, an after-subscriber is assumed.

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emmiterName.

  • [callback] Function optional

    subscriber to the event, when not set, all subscribers of the listener to this customEvent will be removed.


  • listener
  • before
  • customEvent
  • [callback]
private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:964

Available since 0.0.1

Removes a subscriber from the specified customEvent. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName.


  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • before Boolean

    whether the subscriber is a before subscriber. On falsy, an after-subscriber is assumed.

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emmiterName.

  • [callback] Function optional

    subscriber to the event, when not set, all subscribers of the listener to this customEvent will be removed.


  • listener
  • customEvent
private static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:1029

Available since 0.0.1

Removes subscribers from the multiple customevents. The customEvent must conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

Examples of valid customevents:

  • 'redmodel:save'
  • 'UI:tap'
  • 'tap' --> alias for 'UI:tap'
  • '*:click' --> careful: will listen to both UIs and non-UI- click-events
  • 'redmodel:*'
  • '*:*'


  • listener Object

    Object that creates the subscriber (and will be listening by listener.after(...))

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emmiterName.


  • property
  • value
private chainable

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:1084

Available since 0.0.1

Adds a property to the default eventobject's prototype which passes through all eventcycles. Goes through Object.defineProperty with configurable, enumerable and writable all set to false.


  • property String


  • value Any


  • property
  • value
private chainable

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:1084

Available since 0.0.1

Adds a property to the default eventobject's prototype which passes through all eventcycles. Goes through Object.defineProperty with configurable, enumerable and writable all set to false.


  • property String


  • value Any


  • property
  • value
private chainable

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:1084

Available since 0.0.1

Adds a property to the default eventobject's prototype which passes through all eventcycles. Goes through Object.defineProperty with configurable, enumerable and writable all set to false.


  • property String


  • value Any


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:64

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed after the defaultFn.


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.after() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of after-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:64

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed after the defaultFn.


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.after() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of after-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:64

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed after the defaultFn.


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.after() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of after-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:91

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed before the defaultFn.


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.before() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of before-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:91

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed before the defaultFn.


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.before() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of before-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:91

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed before the defaultFn.


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.before() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of before-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • emitter
  • emitterName

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:118

Available since 0.0.1

Defines an emitterName into the instance (emitter). This will add a protected property _emitterName to the instance.


  • emitter Object

    instance that should hold the emitterName

  • emitterName String

    identifier that will be added when events are sent (emitterName:eventName)


  • emitter
  • emitterName

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:118

Available since 0.0.1

Defines an emitterName into the instance (emitter). This will add a protected property _emitterName to the instance.


  • emitter Object

    instance that should hold the emitterName

  • emitterName String

    identifier that will be added when events are sent (emitterName:eventName)


  • emitter
  • emitterName

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:118

Available since 0.0.1

Defines an emitterName into the instance (emitter). This will add a protected property _emitterName to the instance.


  • emitter Object

    instance that should hold the emitterName

  • emitterName String

    identifier that will be added when events are sent (emitterName:eventName)


  • customEvent
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:139

Available since 0.0.1

Defines a CustomEvent. If the eventtype already exists, it will not be overridden, unless you force to assign with .forceAssign()

The returned object comes with 8 methods which can be invoked chainable:

  • defaultFn() --> the default-function of the event
  • preventedFn() --> the function that should be invoked when the event is defaultPrevented
  • forceAssign() --> overrides any previous definition
  • unHaltable() --> makes the customEvent cannot be halted
  • unPreventable() --> makes the customEvent's defaultFn cannot be prevented
  • unSilencable() --> makes that emitters cannot make this event to perform silently (using e.silent)


  • customEvent String

    name of the customEvent conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName



with extra methods that can be chained:

  • unPreventable() --> makes the customEvent's defaultFn cannot be prevented
  • forceAssign() --> overrides any previous definition
  • defaultFn() --> the default-function of the event
  • preventedFn() --> the function that should be invoked when the event is defaultPrevented
  • forceAssign() --> overrides any previous definition
  • unHaltable() --> makes the customEvent cannot be halted
  • unSilencable() --> makes that emitters cannot make this event to perform silently (using e.silent)


  • customEvent
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:139

Available since 0.0.1

Defines a CustomEvent. If the eventtype already exists, it will not be overridden, unless you force to assign with .forceAssign()

The returned object comes with 8 methods which can be invoked chainable:

  • defaultFn() --> the default-function of the event
  • preventedFn() --> the function that should be invoked when the event is defaultPrevented
  • forceAssign() --> overrides any previous definition
  • unHaltable() --> makes the customEvent cannot be halted
  • unPreventable() --> makes the customEvent's defaultFn cannot be prevented
  • unSilencable() --> makes that emitters cannot make this event to perform silently (using e.silent)


  • customEvent String

    name of the customEvent conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName



with extra methods that can be chained:

  • unPreventable() --> makes the customEvent's defaultFn cannot be prevented
  • forceAssign() --> overrides any previous definition
  • defaultFn() --> the default-function of the event
  • preventedFn() --> the function that should be invoked when the event is defaultPrevented
  • forceAssign() --> overrides any previous definition
  • unHaltable() --> makes the customEvent cannot be halted
  • unSilencable() --> makes that emitters cannot make this event to perform silently (using e.silent)


  • customEvent
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:139

Available since 0.0.1

Defines a CustomEvent. If the eventtype already exists, it will not be overridden, unless you force to assign with .forceAssign()

The returned object comes with 8 methods which can be invoked chainable:

  • defaultFn() --> the default-function of the event
  • preventedFn() --> the function that should be invoked when the event is defaultPrevented
  • forceAssign() --> overrides any previous definition
  • unHaltable() --> makes the customEvent cannot be halted
  • unPreventable() --> makes the customEvent's defaultFn cannot be prevented
  • unSilencable() --> makes that emitters cannot make this event to perform silently (using e.silent)


  • customEvent String

    name of the customEvent conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName



with extra methods that can be chained:

  • unPreventable() --> makes the customEvent's defaultFn cannot be prevented
  • forceAssign() --> overrides any previous definition
  • defaultFn() --> the default-function of the event
  • preventedFn() --> the function that should be invoked when the event is defaultPrevented
  • forceAssign() --> overrides any previous definition
  • unHaltable() --> makes the customEvent cannot be halted
  • unSilencable() --> makes that emitters cannot make this event to perform silently (using e.silent)


  • [listener]
  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:224

Available since 0.0.1

Detaches (unsubscribes) the listener from the specified customEvent.


  • [listener] Object optional

    The instance that is going to detach the customEvent. When not passed through (or undefined), all customevents of all instances are detached

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emitterName. Can be set as the only argument.


  • [listener]
  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:224

Available since 0.0.1

Detaches (unsubscribes) the listener from the specified customEvent.


  • [listener] Object optional

    The instance that is going to detach the customEvent. When not passed through (or undefined), all customevents of all instances are detached

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emitterName. Can be set as the only argument.


  • [listener]
  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:224

Available since 0.0.1

Detaches (unsubscribes) the listener from the specified customEvent.


  • [listener] Object optional

    The instance that is going to detach the customEvent. When not passed through (or undefined), all customevents of all instances are detached

  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName, wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as only eventName, in which case 'UI' will become the emitterName. Can be set as the only argument.


  • listener

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:242

Available since 0.0.1

Detaches (unsubscribes) the listener from all customevents.


  • listener Object

    The instance that is going to detach the customEvent


  • listener

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:242

Available since 0.0.1

Detaches (unsubscribes) the listener from all customevents.


  • listener Object

    The instance that is going to detach the customEvent


  • listener

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:242

Available since 0.0.1

Detaches (unsubscribes) the listener from all customevents.


  • listener Object

    The instance that is going to detach the customEvent


  • [emitter]
  • customEvent
  • payload
  • [beforeSubscribers]
  • [afterSubscribers]
  • [preProcessor]
  • [keepPayload=false]
  • [payloadGetters]
Object | Undefined static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:753

Available since 0.0.1

Emits the event eventName on behalf of emitter, which becomes e.target in the eventobject. During this process, all subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn get an eventobject passed through. The eventobject is created with at least these properties:

  • e.target --> source that triggered the event (instance or DOM-node), specified by emitter
  • e.type --> eventName
  • e.emitter --> emitterName
  • e.status --> status-information:
    • e.status.ok --> true|false whether the event got executed (not halted or defaultPrevented)
    • e.status.defaultFn (optional) --> true if any defaultFn got invoked
    • e.status.preventedFn (optional) --> true if any preventedFn got invoked
    • e.status.halted (optional) --> reason|true if the event got halted and optional the why
    • e.status.defaultPrevented (optional) --> reason|true if the event got defaultPrevented and optional the why

The optional payload is merged into the eventobject and could be used by the subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn. If payload.silent is set true, the subscribers are not getting invoked: only the defaultFn.

The eventobject also has these methods:

  • e.halt() --> stops immediate all actions: no mer subscribers are invoked, no defaultFn/preventedFn
  • e.preventDefault() --> instead of invoking defaultFn, preventedFn will be invoked. No aftersubscribers

  • First, before-subscribers are invoked: this is the place where you might call e.halt() or a.preventDefault()
  • Next, defaultFn or preventedFn gets invoked, depending on whether e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called
  • Finally, after-subscribers get invoked (unless e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called)


  • [emitter] Object optional

    instance that emits the events

  • customEvent String

    Full customEvent conform syntax emitterName:eventName. emitterName is available as e.emitter, eventName as e.type.

  • payload Object

    extra payload to be added to the event-object

  • [beforeSubscribers] Array optional

    array of functions to act as beforesubscribers. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom. If used, than this list of subscribers gets invoked instead of the subscribers that actually subscribed to the event.

  • [afterSubscribers] Array optional

    array of functions to act as afterSubscribers. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom. If used, than this list of subscribers gets invoked instead of the subscribers that actually subscribed to the event.

  • [preProcessor] Function optional

    if passed, this function will be invoked before every single subscriber It is meant to manipulate the eventobject, something that event-dom needs to do This function expects 2 arguments: subscriber and eventobject. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom.

  • [keepPayload=false] Boolean optional

    whether payload should be used as the ventobject instead of creating a new eventobject and merge payload. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom.

  • [payloadGetters] Object optional

    additional payload, where getters inside payload are defined as object-values this might be needed, in cae the payload has getters that you need to maintain (getters on payload are ignored)


Object | Undefined:

eventobject or undefined when the event was halted or preventDefaulted.


  • [emitter]
  • customEvent
  • payload
Object | Undefined static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:266

Available since 0.0.1

Emits the event eventName on behalf of emitter, which becomes e.target in the eventobject. During this process, all subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn get an eventobject passed through. The eventobject is created with at least these properties:

  • e.target --> source that triggered the event (instance or DOM-node), specified by emitter
  • e.type --> eventName
  • e.emitter --> emitterName
  • e.status --> status-information:
    • e.status.ok --> true|false whether the event got executed (not halted or defaultPrevented)
    • e.status.defaultFn (optional) --> true if any defaultFn got invoked
    • e.status.preventedFn (optional) --> true if any preventedFn got invoked
    • e.status.halted (optional) --> reason|true if the event got halted and optional the why
    • e.status.defaultPrevented (optional) --> reason|true if the event got defaultPrevented and optional the why

The optional payload is merged into the eventobject and could be used by the subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn. If payload.silent is set true, the subscribers are not getting invoked: only the defaultFn.

The eventobject also has these methods:

  • e.halt() --> stops immediate all actions: no mer subscribers are invoked, no defaultFn/preventedFn
  • e.preventDefault() --> instead of invoking defaultFn, preventedFn will be invoked. No aftersubscribers

  • First, before-subscribers are invoked: this is the place where you might call e.halt(), a.preventDefault()
  • Next, defaultFn or preventedFn gets invoked, depending on whether e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called
  • Finally, after-subscribers get invoked (unless e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called)


  • [emitter] Object optional

    instance that emits the events

  • customEvent String

    Full customEvent conform syntax emitterName:eventName. emitterName is available as e.emitter, eventName as e.type.

  • payload Object

    extra payload to be added to the event-object


Object | Undefined:

eventobject or undefined when the event was halted or preventDefaulted.


  • [emitter]
  • customEvent
  • payload
Object | Undefined static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:266

Available since 0.0.1

Emits the event eventName on behalf of emitter, which becomes e.target in the eventobject. During this process, all subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn get an eventobject passed through. The eventobject is created with at least these properties:

  • e.target --> source that triggered the event (instance or DOM-node), specified by emitter
  • e.type --> eventName
  • e.emitter --> emitterName
  • e.status --> status-information:
    • e.status.ok --> true|false whether the event got executed (not halted or defaultPrevented)
    • e.status.defaultFn (optional) --> true if any defaultFn got invoked
    • e.status.preventedFn (optional) --> true if any preventedFn got invoked
    • e.status.halted (optional) --> reason|true if the event got halted and optional the why
    • e.status.defaultPrevented (optional) --> reason|true if the event got defaultPrevented and optional the why

The optional payload is merged into the eventobject and could be used by the subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn. If payload.silent is set true, the subscribers are not getting invoked: only the defaultFn.

The eventobject also has these methods:

  • e.halt() --> stops immediate all actions: no mer subscribers are invoked, no defaultFn/preventedFn
  • e.preventDefault() --> instead of invoking defaultFn, preventedFn will be invoked. No aftersubscribers

  • First, before-subscribers are invoked: this is the place where you might call e.halt(), a.preventDefault()
  • Next, defaultFn or preventedFn gets invoked, depending on whether e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called
  • Finally, after-subscribers get invoked (unless e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called)


  • [emitter] Object optional

    instance that emits the events

  • customEvent String

    Full customEvent conform syntax emitterName:eventName. emitterName is available as e.emitter, eventName as e.type.

  • payload Object

    extra payload to be added to the event-object


Object | Undefined:

eventobject or undefined when the event was halted or preventDefaulted.


  • [emitter]
  • customEvent
  • payload
  • [beforeSubscribers]
  • [afterSubscribers]
  • [preProcessor]
  • [keepPayload=false]
  • [payloadGetters]
Object | Undefined static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:753

Available since 0.0.1

Emits the event eventName on behalf of emitter, which becomes e.target in the eventobject. During this process, all subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn get an eventobject passed through. The eventobject is created with at least these properties:

  • e.target --> source that triggered the event (instance or DOM-node), specified by emitter
  • e.type --> eventName
  • e.emitter --> emitterName
  • e.status --> status-information:
    • e.status.ok --> true|false whether the event got executed (not halted or defaultPrevented)
    • e.status.defaultFn (optional) --> true if any defaultFn got invoked
    • e.status.preventedFn (optional) --> true if any preventedFn got invoked
    • e.status.halted (optional) --> reason|true if the event got halted and optional the why
    • e.status.defaultPrevented (optional) --> reason|true if the event got defaultPrevented and optional the why

The optional payload is merged into the eventobject and could be used by the subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn. If payload.silent is set true, the subscribers are not getting invoked: only the defaultFn.

The eventobject also has these methods:

  • e.halt() --> stops immediate all actions: no mer subscribers are invoked, no defaultFn/preventedFn
  • e.preventDefault() --> instead of invoking defaultFn, preventedFn will be invoked. No aftersubscribers

  • First, before-subscribers are invoked: this is the place where you might call e.halt() or a.preventDefault()
  • Next, defaultFn or preventedFn gets invoked, depending on whether e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called
  • Finally, after-subscribers get invoked (unless e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called)


  • [emitter] Object optional

    instance that emits the events

  • customEvent String

    Full customEvent conform syntax emitterName:eventName. emitterName is available as e.emitter, eventName as e.type.

  • payload Object

    extra payload to be added to the event-object

  • [beforeSubscribers] Array optional

    array of functions to act as beforesubscribers. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom. If used, than this list of subscribers gets invoked instead of the subscribers that actually subscribed to the event.

  • [afterSubscribers] Array optional

    array of functions to act as afterSubscribers. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom. If used, than this list of subscribers gets invoked instead of the subscribers that actually subscribed to the event.

  • [preProcessor] Function optional

    if passed, this function will be invoked before every single subscriber It is meant to manipulate the eventobject, something that event-dom needs to do This function expects 2 arguments: subscriber and eventobject. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom.

  • [keepPayload=false] Boolean optional

    whether payload should be used as the ventobject instead of creating a new eventobject and merge payload. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom.

  • [payloadGetters] Object optional

    additional payload, where getters inside payload are defined as object-values this might be needed, in cae the payload has getters that you need to maintain (getters on payload are ignored)


Object | Undefined:

eventobject or undefined when the event was halted or preventDefaulted.


  • [emitter]
  • customEvent
  • payload
  • [beforeSubscribers]
  • [afterSubscribers]
  • [preProcessor]
  • [keepPayload=false]
  • [payloadGetters]
Object | Undefined static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:753

Available since 0.0.1

Emits the event eventName on behalf of emitter, which becomes e.target in the eventobject. During this process, all subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn get an eventobject passed through. The eventobject is created with at least these properties:

  • e.target --> source that triggered the event (instance or DOM-node), specified by emitter
  • e.type --> eventName
  • e.emitter --> emitterName
  • e.status --> status-information:
    • e.status.ok --> true|false whether the event got executed (not halted or defaultPrevented)
    • e.status.defaultFn (optional) --> true if any defaultFn got invoked
    • e.status.preventedFn (optional) --> true if any preventedFn got invoked
    • e.status.halted (optional) --> reason|true if the event got halted and optional the why
    • e.status.defaultPrevented (optional) --> reason|true if the event got defaultPrevented and optional the why

The optional payload is merged into the eventobject and could be used by the subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn. If payload.silent is set true, the subscribers are not getting invoked: only the defaultFn.

The eventobject also has these methods:

  • e.halt() --> stops immediate all actions: no mer subscribers are invoked, no defaultFn/preventedFn
  • e.preventDefault() --> instead of invoking defaultFn, preventedFn will be invoked. No aftersubscribers

  • First, before-subscribers are invoked: this is the place where you might call e.halt() or a.preventDefault()
  • Next, defaultFn or preventedFn gets invoked, depending on whether e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called
  • Finally, after-subscribers get invoked (unless e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called)


  • [emitter] Object optional

    instance that emits the events

  • customEvent String

    Full customEvent conform syntax emitterName:eventName. emitterName is available as e.emitter, eventName as e.type.

  • payload Object

    extra payload to be added to the event-object

  • [beforeSubscribers] Array optional

    array of functions to act as beforesubscribers. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom. If used, than this list of subscribers gets invoked instead of the subscribers that actually subscribed to the event.

  • [afterSubscribers] Array optional

    array of functions to act as afterSubscribers. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom. If used, than this list of subscribers gets invoked instead of the subscribers that actually subscribed to the event.

  • [preProcessor] Function optional

    if passed, this function will be invoked before every single subscriber It is meant to manipulate the eventobject, something that event-dom needs to do This function expects 2 arguments: subscriber and eventobject. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom.

  • [keepPayload=false] Boolean optional

    whether payload should be used as the ventobject instead of creating a new eventobject and merge payload. should not be used other than by any submodule like event-dom.

  • [payloadGetters] Object optional

    additional payload, where getters inside payload are defined as object-values this might be needed, in cae the payload has getters that you need to maintain (getters on payload are ignored)


Object | Undefined:

eventobject or undefined when the event was halted or preventDefaulted.


  • [emitter]
  • customEvent
  • payload
Object | Undefined static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:266

Available since 0.0.1

Emits the event eventName on behalf of emitter, which becomes e.target in the eventobject. During this process, all subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn get an eventobject passed through. The eventobject is created with at least these properties:

  • e.target --> source that triggered the event (instance or DOM-node), specified by emitter
  • e.type --> eventName
  • e.emitter --> emitterName
  • e.status --> status-information:
    • e.status.ok --> true|false whether the event got executed (not halted or defaultPrevented)
    • e.status.defaultFn (optional) --> true if any defaultFn got invoked
    • e.status.preventedFn (optional) --> true if any preventedFn got invoked
    • e.status.halted (optional) --> reason|true if the event got halted and optional the why
    • e.status.defaultPrevented (optional) --> reason|true if the event got defaultPrevented and optional the why

The optional payload is merged into the eventobject and could be used by the subscribers and the defaultFn/preventedFn. If payload.silent is set true, the subscribers are not getting invoked: only the defaultFn.

The eventobject also has these methods:

  • e.halt() --> stops immediate all actions: no mer subscribers are invoked, no defaultFn/preventedFn
  • e.preventDefault() --> instead of invoking defaultFn, preventedFn will be invoked. No aftersubscribers

  • First, before-subscribers are invoked: this is the place where you might call e.halt(), a.preventDefault()
  • Next, defaultFn or preventedFn gets invoked, depending on whether e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called
  • Finally, after-subscribers get invoked (unless e.halt() or a.preventDefault() has been called)


  • [emitter] Object optional

    instance that emits the events

  • customEvent String

    Full customEvent conform syntax emitterName:eventName. emitterName is available as e.emitter, eventName as e.type.

  • payload Object

    extra payload to be added to the event-object


Object | Undefined:

eventobject or undefined when the event was halted or preventDefaulted.


  • node
  • parent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event-mobile/lib/hammer-2.0.4.js:192

find if a node is in the given parent






  • domEvent
  • e

Provided by the event-dom module.

Defined in src/event-dom/event-dom.js:840

Available since 0.0.1


  • domEvent String

    the eventName that should be processed without deepsearch

  • e Object



  • customEvent
  • callback
  • context
  • [once=false]
static chainable

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:323

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a notifier for the customEvent. You can use this to create delayed defineEvents. When the customEvent is called, the callback gets invoked (even before the subsrcibers). Use this callback for delayed customEvent-definitions.

You may use wildcards for both emitterName and eventName.

You must specify the full emitterName:eventName syntax. The module core-event-dom uses notify to auto-define DOM-events (UI:*).


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used only foreventName. If emitterName should be defined.

  • callback Function

    subscriber: will be invoked when the customEvent is called (before any subscribers. Recieves 2 arguments: the customEvent and subscriber-object.

  • context Object

    context of the callback

  • [once=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriptions should be removed after the first invokation


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • context
  • [once=false]
static chainable

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:323

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a notifier for the customEvent. You can use this to create delayed defineEvents. When the customEvent is called, the callback gets invoked (even before the subsrcibers). Use this callback for delayed customEvent-definitions.

You may use wildcards for both emitterName and eventName.

You must specify the full emitterName:eventName syntax. The module core-event-dom uses notify to auto-define DOM-events (UI:*).


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used only foreventName. If emitterName should be defined.

  • callback Function

    subscriber: will be invoked when the customEvent is called (before any subscribers. Recieves 2 arguments: the customEvent and subscriber-object.

  • context Object

    context of the callback

  • [once=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriptions should be removed after the first invokation


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • context
  • [once=false]
static chainable

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:323

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a notifier for the customEvent. You can use this to create delayed defineEvents. When the customEvent is called, the callback gets invoked (even before the subsrcibers). Use this callback for delayed customEvent-definitions.

You may use wildcards for both emitterName and eventName.

You must specify the full emitterName:eventName syntax. The module core-event-dom uses notify to auto-define DOM-events (UI:*).


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used only foreventName. If emitterName should be defined.

  • callback Function

    subscriber: will be invoked when the customEvent is called (before any subscribers. Recieves 2 arguments: the customEvent and subscriber-object.

  • context Object

    context of the callback

  • [once=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriptions should be removed after the first invokation


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • context
  • [once=false]
static chainable

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:361

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a detach-notifier for the customEvent. You can use this to get informed whenever a subscriber detaches.

Use no wildcards for the emitterName. You might use wildcards for the eventName. Without wildcards, the notification will be unNotified (callback automaticly detached) on the first time the event occurs.

You must specify the full emitterName:eventName syntax. The module core-event-dom uses notify to auto-define DOM-events (UI:*).


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used only foreventName. If emitterName should be defined.

  • callback Function

    subscriber: will be invoked when the customEvent is called (before any subscribers. Recieves 1 arguments: the customEvent.

  • context Object

    context of the callback

  • [once=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriptions should be removed after the first invokation


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • context
  • [once=false]
static chainable

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:361

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a detach-notifier for the customEvent. You can use this to get informed whenever a subscriber detaches.

Use no wildcards for the emitterName. You might use wildcards for the eventName. Without wildcards, the notification will be unNotified (callback automaticly detached) on the first time the event occurs.

You must specify the full emitterName:eventName syntax. The module core-event-dom uses notify to auto-define DOM-events (UI:*).


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used only foreventName. If emitterName should be defined.

  • callback Function

    subscriber: will be invoked when the customEvent is called (before any subscribers. Recieves 1 arguments: the customEvent.

  • context Object

    context of the callback

  • [once=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriptions should be removed after the first invokation


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • context
  • [once=false]
static chainable

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:361

Available since 0.0.1

Creates a detach-notifier for the customEvent. You can use this to get informed whenever a subscriber detaches.

Use no wildcards for the emitterName. You might use wildcards for the eventName. Without wildcards, the notification will be unNotified (callback automaticly detached) on the first time the event occurs.

You must specify the full emitterName:eventName syntax. The module core-event-dom uses notify to auto-define DOM-events (UI:*).


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used only foreventName. If emitterName should be defined.

  • callback Function

    subscriber: will be invoked when the customEvent is called (before any subscribers. Recieves 1 arguments: the customEvent.

  • context Object

    context of the callback

  • [once=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriptions should be removed after the first invokation


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:399

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed after the defaultFn. The subscriber will be automaticly removed once the callback executed the first time. No need to detach() (unless you want to undescribe before the first event)


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.onceAfter() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of after-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:399

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed after the defaultFn. The subscriber will be automaticly removed once the callback executed the first time. No need to detach() (unless you want to undescribe before the first event)


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.onceAfter() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of after-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:399

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed after the defaultFn. The subscriber will be automaticly removed once the callback executed the first time. No need to detach() (unless you want to undescribe before the first event)


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.onceAfter() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of after-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:443

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed before the defaultFn. The subscriber will be automaticly removed once the callback executed the first time. No need to detach() (unless you want to undescribe before the first event)


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.onceBefore() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of before-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:443

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed before the defaultFn. The subscriber will be automaticly removed once the callback executed the first time. No need to detach() (unless you want to undescribe before the first event)


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.onceBefore() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of before-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • customEvent
  • callback
  • [context]
  • [filter]
  • [prepend=false]
Object static

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:443

Available since 0.0.1

Subscribes to a customEvent. The callback will be executed before the defaultFn. The subscriber will be automaticly removed once the callback executed the first time. No need to detach() (unless you want to undescribe before the first event)


  • customEvent String | Array

    the custom-event (or Array of events) to subscribe to. CustomEvents should have the syntax: emitterName:eventName. Wildcard * may be used for both emitterName as well as eventName. If emitterName is not defined, UI is assumed.

  • callback Function

    subscriber:will be invoked when the event occurs. An eventobject will be passed as its only argument.

  • [context] Object optional

    the instance that subscribes to the event. any object can passed through, even those are not extended with event-listener methods. Note: Objects who are extended with listener-methods should use instance.onceBefore() instead.

  • [filter] String | Function optional

    to filter the event. Use a String if you want to filter DOM-events by a selector Use a function if you want to filter by any other means. If the function returns a trully value, the subscriber gets invoked. The function gets the eventobject as its only argument and the context is the subscriber.

  • [prepend=false] Boolean optional

    whether the subscriber should be the first in the list of before-subscribers.



handler with a detach()-method which can be used to detach the subscriber


  • [emitterName]

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:487

Available since 0.0.1

Removes all event-definitions of an emitter, specified by its emitterName. When emitterName is not set, ALL event-definitions will be removed.


  • [emitterName] String optional

    name of the customEvent conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName


  • [emitterName]

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:487

Available since 0.0.1

Removes all event-definitions of an emitter, specified by its emitterName. When emitterName is not set, ALL event-definitions will be removed.


  • [emitterName] String optional

    name of the customEvent conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName


  • [emitterName]

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:487

Available since 0.0.1

Removes all event-definitions of an emitter, specified by its emitterName. When emitterName is not set, ALL event-definitions will be removed.


  • [emitterName] String optional

    name of the customEvent conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName


  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:517

Available since 0.0.1

Removes the event-definition of the specified customEvent.


  • customEvent String

    name of the customEvent conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName


  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:517

Available since 0.0.1

Removes the event-definition of the specified customEvent.


  • customEvent String

    name of the customEvent conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName


  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:517

Available since 0.0.1

Removes the event-definition of the specified customEvent.


  • customEvent String

    name of the customEvent conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName


  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:530

Available since 0.0.1

unNotifies (unsubscribes) the notifier of the specified customEvent.


  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName.


  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:530

Available since 0.0.1

unNotifies (unsubscribes) the notifier of the specified customEvent.


  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName.


  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:530

Available since 0.0.1

unNotifies (unsubscribes) the notifier of the specified customEvent.


  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName.


  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:543

Available since 0.0.1

unNotifies (unsubscribes) the detach-notifier of the specified customEvent.


  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName.


  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:543

Available since 0.0.1

unNotifies (unsubscribes) the detach-notifier of the specified customEvent.


  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName.


  • customEvent

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:543

Available since 0.0.1

unNotifies (unsubscribes) the detach-notifier of the specified customEvent.


  • customEvent String

    conform the syntax: emitterName:eventName.



Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:1151

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all defined before and after subscribers which has a structure like this (b represents before and a represents after) Every item that gets in the array consist by itself of 3 properties: subscriberitem = { o: listener, cb: callbackFn(e), f: filter };

_subs = { 'UI:tap': { b: [ item, item ], a: [ item, item ] }, '*:click': { b: [ item, item ], a: [ item, item ] }, 'redmodel:save': { b: [ item, item ], a: [ item, item ] } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:1104

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all defined custom-events which has a structure like this:

_ce = { 'UI:tap': { preventable: true, defaultFn: function(){...}, preventedFn: function(){...} }, 'redmodel:save': { preventable: true, defaultFn: function(){...}, preventedFn: function(){...} } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:1151

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all defined before and after subscribers which has a structure like this (b represents before and a represents after) Every item that gets in the array consist by itself of 3 properties: subscriberitem = { o: listener, cb: callbackFn(e), f: filter };

_subs = { 'UI:tap': { b: [ item, item ], a: [ item, item ] }, '*:click': { b: [ item, item ], a: [ item, item ] }, 'redmodel:save': { b: [ item, item ], a: [ item, item ] } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:1151

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all defined before and after subscribers which has a structure like this (b represents before and a represents after) Every item that gets in the array consist by itself of 3 properties: subscriberitem = { o: listener, cb: callbackFn(e), f: filter };

_subs = { 'UI:tap': { b: [ item, item ], a: [ item, item ] }, '*:click': { b: [ item, item ], a: [ item, item ] }, 'redmodel:save': { b: [ item, item ], a: [ item, item ] } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:1104

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all defined custom-events which has a structure like this:

_ce = { 'UI:tap': { preventable: true, defaultFn: function(){...}, preventedFn: function(){...} }, 'redmodel:save': { preventable: true, defaultFn: function(){...}, preventedFn: function(){...} } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:1104

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all defined custom-events which has a structure like this:

_ce = { 'UI:tap': { preventable: true, defaultFn: function(){...}, preventedFn: function(){...} }, 'redmodel:save': { preventable: true, defaultFn: function(){...}, preventedFn: function(){...} } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:1202

Available since 0.0.1

Object that acts as the prototype of the eventobject. To add more methods, you can use _setEventObjProperty

Default: { halt: function(), preventDefault: function() }


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:1202

Available since 0.0.1

Object that acts as the prototype of the eventobject. To add more methods, you can use _setEventObjProperty

Default: { halt: function(), preventDefault: function() }


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:1202

Available since 0.0.1

Object that acts as the prototype of the eventobject. To add more methods, you can use _setEventObjProperty

Default: { halt: function(), preventDefault: function() }


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:1217

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all detach-notifiers, keyed by customEvent name. This list is maintained by notifyDetach and unNotifyDetach

_detachNotifiers = { 'UI:tap': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'redmodel:*': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'bluemodel:save': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:1217

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all detach-notifiers, keyed by customEvent name. This list is maintained by notifyDetach and unNotifyDetach

_detachNotifiers = { 'UI:tap': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'redmodel:*': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'bluemodel:save': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:1217

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all detach-notifiers, keyed by customEvent name. This list is maintained by notifyDetach and unNotifyDetach

_detachNotifiers = { 'UI:tap': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'redmodel:*': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'bluemodel:save': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:1244

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all notifiers, keyed by customEvent name. This list is maintained by notify and unNotify

_notifiers = { 'UI:tap': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'redmodel:*': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'bluemodel:save': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:1244

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all notifiers, keyed by customEvent name. This list is maintained by notify and unNotify

_notifiers = { 'UI:tap': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'redmodel:*': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'bluemodel:save': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:1244

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all notifiers, keyed by customEvent name. This list is maintained by notify and unNotify

_notifiers = { 'UI:tap': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'redmodel:*': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context }, 'bluemodel:save': { cb:function() {} o: {} // context } }

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/itsa-event/event-base.js:1134

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all running Events. Meant for local registration inside _emit --> to prevent looping whenever a listener emits the same event.

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event/event-base.js:1134

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all running Events. Meant for local registration inside _emit --> to prevent looping whenever a listener emits the same event.

Default: {}


Object private

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event kopie/event-base.js:1134

Available since 0.0.1

Objecthash containing all running Events. Meant for local registration inside _emit --> to prevent looping whenever a listener emits the same event.

Default: {}



Defined in src/event-mobile/event-mobile.js:41

Available since 0.0.1

Adds the Hammer-class to Event, so it can be used from within Event.



Defined in src/event-mobile/event-mobile.js:23

Available since 0.0.1

The (only) Hammer-instance that Event uses. It is bound to the body-element.


Number static

Provided by the event-hover module.

Defined in src/event-dom/extra/valuechange.js:37

Interval (in milliseconds) at which to poll for changes to the value of an element with one or more valuechange subscribers, because of a right-click paste which cannot be determined by the event-system

Default: 250


Unknown final

Provided by the event module.

Defined in src/event-mobile/lib/hammer-2.0.4.js:1938



Defined in src/event-mobile/event-mobile.js:79

Available since 0.1

Is emitted whenever hammerjs detects a gestureevent. By emitting its original event through ParcelaEvent:eventmobile, event-dom will catch it and process it through the dom-event cycle.

Event Payload:


Provided by the event-hover module.

Defined in src/event-dom/extra/valuechange.js:265

Event Payload:

  • e.value String

    new value

  • e.sourceTarget Element

    Element whare the valuechange occured