File: src/utils/lib/timers.js
* Collection of various utility functions.
* <i>Copyright (c) 2014 ITSA -</i>
* New BSD License -
* @module utils
* @class Utils
* @static
"use strict";
var NAME = '[utils-timers]: ',
_asynchronizer, _async;
* Forces a function to be run asynchronously, but as fast as possible. In Node.js
* this is achieved using `setImmediate` or `process.nextTick`.
* @method _asynchronizer
* @param callbackFn {Function} The function to call asynchronously
* @static
* @private
_asynchronizer = (typeof setImmediate !== 'undefined') ? function (fn) {setImmediate(fn);} :
((typeof process !== 'undefined') && process.nextTick) ? process.nextTick : function (fn) {setTimeout(fn, 0);};
* Invokes the callbackFn once in the next turn of the JavaScript event loop. If the function
* requires a specific execution context or arguments, wrap it with Function.bind.
* I.async returns an object with a cancel method. If the cancel method is
* called before the callback function, the callback function won't be called.
* @method async
* @param {Function} callbackFn
* @param [invokeAfterFn=true] {boolean} set to false to prevent the _afterSyncFn to be invoked
* @return {Object} An object with a cancel method. If the cancel method is
* called before the callback function, the callback function won't be called.
_async = function (callbackFn, invokeAfterFn) {
console.log(NAME, 'async');
var canceled;
invokeAfterFn = (typeof invokeAfterFn === 'boolean') ? invokeAfterFn : true;
(typeof callbackFn==='function') && _asynchronizer(function () {
if (!canceled) {
return {
cancel: function () {
canceled = true;
* Invokes the callbackFn once in the next turn of the JavaScript event loop. If the function
* requires a specific execution context or arguments, wrap it with Function.bind.
* I.async returns an object with a cancel method. If the cancel method is
* called before the callback function, the callback function won't be called.
* @method async
* @param {Function} callbackFn
* @param [invokeAfterFn=true] {boolean} set to false to prevent the _afterSyncFn to be invoked
* @return {Object} An object with a cancel method. If the cancel method is
* called before the callback function, the callback function won't be called.
module.exports.async = _async;
* Invokes the callbackFn after a timeout (asynchronous). If the function
* requires a specific execution context or arguments, wrap it with Function.bind.
* To invoke the callback function periodic, set 'periodic' either 'true', or specify a second timeout.
* If number, then periodic is considered 'true' but with a perdiod defined by 'periodic',
* which means: the first timer executes after 'timeout' and next timers after 'period'.
* I.later returns an object with a cancel method. If the cancel() method is
* called before the callback function, the callback function won't be called.
* @method later
* @param callbackFn {Function} the function to execute.
* @param [timeout] {Number} the number of milliseconds to wait until the callbackFn is executed.
* when not set, the callback function is invoked once in the next turn of the JavaScript event loop.
* @param [periodic] {boolean|Number} if true, executes continuously at supplied, if number, then periodic is considered 'true' but with a perdiod
* defined by 'periodic', which means: the first timer executes after 'timeout' and next timers after 'period'.
* The interval executes until canceled.
* @return {object} a timer object. Call the cancel() method on this object to stop the timer.
module.exports.later = function (callbackFn, timeout, periodic) {
console.log(NAME, 'later --> timeout: '+timeout+'ms | periodic: '+periodic);
var canceled = false;
if (typeof timeout!=='number') {
return _async(callbackFn);
var wrapper = function() {
// nodejs may execute a callback, so in order to preserve
// the cancel() === no more runny-run, we have to build in an extra conditional
if (!canceled) {
// we are NOT using setInterval, because that leads to problems when the callback
// lasts longer than the interval. Instead, we use the interval as inbetween-phase
// between the separate callbacks.
id = periodic ? setTimeout(wrapper, (typeof periodic==='number') ? periodic : timeout) : null;
(typeof callbackFn==='function') && (id=setTimeout(wrapper, timeout));
return {
cancel: function() {
canceled = true;
id && clearTimeout(id);
// break closure:
id = null;