API Docs for: 0.0.1

io Module

Defined in: src/itsa-io/io.js:1

Provides core IO-functionality.


var IO = require("io")(window);

Copyright (c) 2014 ITSA - https://github.com/itsa New BSD License - http://choosealicense.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause/

This module provides the following classes:

This module is a rollup of the following modules:

  • io-assets
    Extends io by adding the method getCSS and getJS to it. (under construction)
  • io-cors
    Extends io by enabling CORS through XDR on IE<10.
  • io-filetransfer
    Extends io by adding the method sendBlob to it.
  • io-jsonp
    Extends io by adding the method readObjectJSONP to it. (under construction)
  • io-transfer
    Extends io by adding the methods get, read, update, insert, send and delete to it.
  • io-xml
    Extends io by adding the method readXML to it.