API Docs for: 0.0.1

File: src/vdom/partials/vnode.js

"use strict";

 * Delivers the `vnode` prototype object, which is a virtualisation of an `Element` inside the Dom.
 * These Elements work smoothless with the vdom (see ...).
 * vnodes are much quicker to access and walk through than native dom-nodes. However, this is a module you don't need
 * by itself: `Element`-types use these features under the hood.
 * <i>Copyright (c) 2014 ITSA - https://github.com/itsa</i>
 * <br>
 * New BSD License - http://choosealicense.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause/
 * @module vdom
 * @submodule vnode
 * @class vnode
 * @since 0.0.1


var createHashMap = require('js-ext/extra/hashmap.js').createMap;

module.exports = function (window) {

    window._ITSAmodules || Object.protectedProp(window, '_ITSAmodules', createHashMap());

    if (window._ITSAmodules.VNode) {
        return window._ITSAmodules.VNode; // VNODE was already created

    var NS = require('./vdom-ns.js')(window),
        extractor = require('./attribute-extractor.js')(window),
        DOCUMENT = window.document,
        LightMap = require('js-ext/extra/lightmap.js'),
        MUTATION_EVENTS = new LightMap(),
        BATCH_WILL_RUN = false,
        xmlNS = NS.xmlNS,
        htmlToVNodes = require('./html-parser.js')(window),
        timers = require('utils/lib/timers.js'),
        async = timers.async,
        later = timers.later,
/*jshint proto:true */
        PROTO_SUPPORTED = !!Object.__proto__,
/*jshint proto:false */

        // cleanup memory after 1 minute: removed nodes SHOULD NOT be accessed afterwards
        // because vnode would be recalculated and might be different from before
        DESTROY_DELAY = 60000,

        unescapeEntities = NS.UnescapeEntities,
        NTH_CHILD_REGEXP = /^(?:(\d*)[n|N])([\+|\-](\d+))?$/, // an+b
        STRING = 'string',
        CLASS = 'class',
        STYLE = 'style',
        ID = 'id',
        NODE= 'node',
        REMOVE = 'remove',
        INSERT = 'insert',
        CHANGE = 'change',
        ATTRIBUTE = 'attribute',
        EV_CONTENT_CHANGE = NODE+'content'+CHANGE,
        SPLIT_CHARACTER = createHashMap({
            ' ': true,
            '>': true,
            '+': true, // only select the element when it is immediately preceded by the former element
            '~': true  // only the element when it has the former element as a sibling. (just like `+`, but less strict)
        STORABLE_SPLIT_CHARACTER = createHashMap({
            '>': true,
            '+': true,
            '~': true
        SIBLING_MATCH_CHARACTER = createHashMap({
            '+': true,
            '~': true
        ATTR_DETAIL_SPECIFIERS = createHashMap({
            '^': true, // “begins with” selector
            '$': true, // “ends with” selector
            '*': true, // “contains” selector (might be a substring)
            '~': true, // “contains” selector as a separate word, separated by spaces
            '|': true // “contains” selector as a separate word, separated by `|`
         * Object to gain quick access to attribute-name end-tokens.
         * @property END_ATTRIBUTENAME
         * @default {
         *      '=': true,
         *      ']': true
         *  }
         * @type Object
         * @protected
         * @since 0.0.1
        END_ATTRIBUTENAME = createHashMap({
            '=': true,
            ']': true,
            '^': true, // “begins with” selector
            '$': true, // “ends with” selector
            '*': true, // “contains” selector (might be a substring)
            '~': true, // “contains” selector as a separate word, separated by spaces
            '|': true // “contains” selector as a separate word, separated by `|`
         * Object to gain quick access to different changes of Element nodeType changes.
         * @property NODESWITCH
         * @default {
         *      1: {
         *          1: 1,
         *          3: 2,
         *          8: 3
         *      },
         *      3: {
         *          1: 4,
         *          3: 5,
         *          8: 6
         *      },
         *      8: {
         *          1: 7,
         *          3: 8,
         *          8: 9
         *      }
         *  }
         * @type Object
         * @protected
         * @since 0.0.1
        NODESWITCH = createHashMap({
            1: createHashMap({
                1: 1, // oldNodeType==Element, newNodeType==Element
                3: 2, // oldNodeType==Element, newNodeType==TextNode
                8: 3  // oldNodeType==Element, newNodeType==Comment
            3: createHashMap({
                1: 4, // oldNodeType==TextNode, newNodeType==Element
                3: 5, // oldNodeType==TextNode, newNodeType==TextNode
                8: 6  // oldNodeType==TextNode, newNodeType==Comment
            8: createHashMap({
                1: 7, // oldNodeType==Comment, newNodeType==Element
                3: 8, // oldNodeType==Comment, newNodeType==TextNode
                8: 9  // oldNodeType==Comment, newNodeType==Comment
         * Object to gain quick access to selector start-tokens.
         * @property SELECTOR_IDENTIFIERS
         * @default {
         *      '#': 1,
         *      '.': 2,
         *      '[': 3
         *  }
         * @type Object
         * @protected
         * @since 0.0.1
        SELECTOR_IDENTIFIERS = createHashMap({
            '#': 1,
            '.': 2,
            '[': 3,
            ':': 4
        PSEUDO_FIRST_CHILD = ':first-child',
        PSEUDO_FIRST_OF_TYPE = ':first-of-type',
        PSEUDO_LAST_CHILD = ':last-child',
        PSEUDO_LAST_OF_TYPE = ':last-of-type',
        PSEUDO_NTH_CHILD = ':nth-child',
        PSEUDO_NTH_LAST_CHILD = ':nth-last-child',
        PSEUDO_NTH_LAST_OF_TYPE = ':nth-last-of-type',
        PSEUDO_NTH_OF_TYPE = ':nth-of-type',
        PSEUDO_ONLY_OF_TYPE = ':only-of-type',
        PSEUDO_ONLY_CHILD = ':only-child',
         * Object to gain quick access to the selectors that required children
         * @property PSEUDO_REQUIRED_CHILDREN
         * @default {
         *     ':first-child': true,
         *     ':first-of-type': true,
         *     ':last-child': true,
         *     ':last-of-type': true,
         *     ':nth-child': true,
         *     ':nth-last-child': true,
         *     ':nth-last-of-type': true,
         *     ':nth-of-type': true,
         *     ':only-of-type': true,
         *     ':only-child': true
         *  }
         * @type Object
         * @protected
         * @since 0.0.1
        PSEUDO_REQUIRED_CHILDREN = createHashMap(),
        _matchesSelectorItem, _matchesOneSelector, _findElementSibling, vNodeProto, _markRemoved, _tryReplaceChild,
        _splitSelector, _findNodeSibling, _matchNthChild, _batchEmit, _emitDestroyChildren, _tryRemoveDomNode;

    * Searches for the next -or previous- node-sibling (nodeType of 1, 3 or 8).
    * @method _findNodeSibling
    * @param vnode {Object} the vnode to inspect
    * @param [next] {Boolean} whether to search for the next, or previous match.
    * @return {Object|undefined} the vnode that matches the search
    * @protected
    * @private
    * @since 0.0.1
    _findNodeSibling = function(vnode, next) {
        var vParent = vnode.vParent,
        if (!vParent || !vParent.vChildNodes) {
        index = vParent.vChildNodes.indexOf(vnode) + (next ? 1 : -1);
        return vParent.vChildNodes[index];

    * Searches for the next -or previous- Element-sibling (nodeType of 1).
    * @method _findElementSibling
    * @param vnode {Object} the vnode to inspect
    * @param [next] {Boolean} whether to search for the next, or previous match.
    * @return {Object|undefined} the vnode that matches the search
    * @protected
    * @private
    * @since 0.0.1
    _findElementSibling = function(vnode, next) {
        var vParent = vnode.vParent,
        if (!vParent || !vParent.vChildNodes) {
        if (vnode.nodeType===1) {
            index = vParent.vChildren.indexOf(vnode) + (next ? 1 : -1);
            return vParent.vChildren[index];
        else {
/*jshint noempty:true */
            while ((vnode=_findNodeSibling(vnode, next)) && (vnode.nodeType!==1)) {}
/*jshint noempty:false */
            return vnode;

    * Check whether the vnode matches a "nth-child" test, which is used for css pseudoselectors like `nth-child`, `nth-of-type` etc.
    * @method _matchNthChild
    * @param pseudoArg {String} the argument for nth-child
    * @param index {Number} the index of the inspected vnode
    * @return {Boolean} whether the vnode matches the nthChild test
    * @protected
    * @private
    * @since 0.0.1
    _matchNthChild = function(pseudoArg, index) {
        var match, k, a, b, nodeOk, nthIndex, sign, isNumber;
        (pseudoArg==='even') && (pseudoArg='2n');
        (pseudoArg==='odd') && (pseudoArg='2n+1');

        match = pseudoArg.match(NTH_CHILD_REGEXP) || (isNumber=pseudoArg.validateNumber());
        if (!match) {
            return false;
        // pseudoArg follows the pattern: `an+b`
        if (!isNumber) {
            a = match[1];
            sign = match[2];
            b = match[3] || 0;
            (b==='') && (b=0);
        else {
            b = pseudoArg;
        sign && (sign=sign[0]);
        if (!a) {
            // only fixed index to match
            return (sign==='-') ? false : (parseInt(b, 10)===index);
        else {
            // we need to iterate
            nodeOk = false;
            b = window.Number(b);
            for (k=0; !nodeOk; k++) {
                nthIndex = (sign==='-') ? (a*k) - b : (a*k) + b;
                if (nthIndex===index) {
                    nodeOk = true;
                else if (nthIndex>index) {
                    // beyond index --> will never become a fix anymore
                    return false;
            return nodeOk;

    * Check whether the vnode matches the css-selector. the css-selector should be a single selector,
    * not multiple, so it shouldn't contain a `comma`.
    * @method _matchesOneSelector
    * @param vnode {vnode} the vnode to inspect
    * @param selector {String} the selector-item to check the match for
    * @param [relatedVNode] {vnode} a related vnode where to selectors starting with `>`, `~` or `+` should be compared.
    *        If not specified, any of these three starting selector-characters will be ignored (leading to matching this first character).
    * @return {Boolean} whether the vnode matches the css-selector
    * @protected
    * @private
    * @since 0.0.1
    _matchesOneSelector = function(vnode, selector, relatedVNode) {
        var selList = _splitSelector(selector),
            size = selList.length,
            selMatch = false,
            i, selectorItem, last,
            rightvnode, relationMatch, checkRelation;

        if (STORABLE_SPLIT_CHARACTER[selList[size-1]]) {
            return false;

        relationMatch = function(leftVNode, rightVNode, relationCharacter) {
            var match, vParent, vChildren;
            // when `selector` starts with `>`, `~` or `+`, then
            // there should also be a match comparing a related node!
            switch (relationCharacter) {
                case '>':
                    leftVNode || (leftVNode=rightVNode.vParent);
                    match = (leftVNode.vChildren.indexOf(rightVNode)!==-1);
                case '~':
                    leftVNode || (leftVNode=rightVNode.vFirstElement);
                    vParent = leftVNode.vParent;
                    vChildren = vParent && vParent.vChildren;
                    match = vParent && (vChildren.indexOf(leftVNode)<vChildren.indexOf(rightVNode));
                case '+':
                    leftVNode || (leftVNode=rightVNode.vPreviousElement);
                    match = (leftVNode.vNextElement === rightVNode);
            return !!match;
        last = size - 1;
        i = last;
        while (vnode && ((selMatch || (i===last)) && (i>=0))) {
            selectorItem = selList[i];
            if (STORABLE_SPLIT_CHARACTER[selectorItem]) {
                checkRelation = selectorItem;
            else {
                selMatch = _matchesSelectorItem(vnode, selectorItem);
                if (!selMatch && (i===last)) {
                    return false;
                while (!selMatch && vnode && (i!==last)) {
                    // may also look at nodes higher in the chain
                    vnode = SIBLING_MATCH_CHARACTER[selList[i+1]] ? vnode.vPreviousElement : vnode.vParent;
                    selMatch = vnode && _matchesSelectorItem(vnode, selectorItem);
                selMatch && checkRelation && vnode && (selMatch=relationMatch(vnode, rightvnode, checkRelation));
                rightvnode = vnode;
                if (vnode) {
                    // do a precheck on the next checkRelation:
                    // and determine whether to set the vnode upper the tree or at the previous sibling:
                    vnode = SIBLING_MATCH_CHARACTER[selList[i-1]] ? vnode.vPreviousElement : vnode.vParent;
                if (selMatch) {
                    checkRelation = false;
        if ((rightvnode===relatedVNode) || (i!==-1)) {
            selMatch = false;
        selMatch && checkRelation && rightvnode && (selMatch=relationMatch(relatedVNode, rightvnode, checkRelation));
        return selMatch;

    * Check whether the vnode matches one specific selector-item. Suppose the css-selector: "#mynode li.red .blue"
    * then there are 3 selector-items: "#mynode",  "li.red" and ".blue"
    * This method also can handle the new selectors:
    * <ul>
    *     <li>[att^=val] –-> the “begins with” selector</li>
    *     <li>[att$=val] –-> the “ends with” selector</li>
    *     <li>[att*=val] –-> the “contains” selector (might be a substring)</li>
    *     <li>[att~=val] –-> the “contains” selector as a separate word, separated by spaces</li>
    *     <li>[att|=val] –-> the “contains” selector as a separate word, separated by `|`</li>
    *     <li>+ --> (same level)</li>
    *     <li>~ --> (same level)</li>
    * </ul>
    * @method _matchesSelectorItem
    * @param vnode {Object} the vnode to inspect
    * @param selectorItem {String} the selector-item to check the match for
    * @return {Boolean} whether the vnode matches the selector-item
    * @protected
    * @private
    * @since 0.0.1
    _matchesSelectorItem = function (vnode, selectorItem) {
        var i = 0,
            len = selectorItem.length,
            character = selectorItem[0],
            tagName, id, className, attributeName, attributeValue, stringMarker, attributeisString, isBoolean, insideAttributeValue, insideAttribute,
            vParent, checkBoolean, treatment, k, min, max, value, len2, index, found, pseudo, pseudoArg, arglevel, count, vParentVChildren;
        if (selectorItem==='*') {
            return true;
        if (!SELECTOR_IDENTIFIERS[character]) {
            // starts with tagName
            tagName = '';
            // reposition i to continue in the right way:
            while ((++i<len) && (character=selectorItem[i]) && !SELECTOR_IDENTIFIERS[character]) {
                tagName += character;
            if (tagName.toUpperCase()!==vnode.tag) {
                return false;
        while (i<len) {
            switch (character) {
                case '#':
                    id = '';
                    while ((++i<len) && (character=selectorItem[i]) && !SELECTOR_IDENTIFIERS[character]) {
                        id += character;
                    if (id!==vnode.id) {
                        return false;
                case '.':
                    className = '';
                    while ((++i<len) && (character=selectorItem[i]) && !SELECTOR_IDENTIFIERS[character]) {
                        className += character;

                    if (!vnode.hasClass(className)) {
                        return false;
                case '[':
                    attributeName = '';
                    while ((++i<len) && (character=selectorItem[i]) && !END_ATTRIBUTENAME[character]) {
                        attributeName += character;
                    // if character===']' then we have an attribute without a value-definition
                    if (!vnode.attrs[attributeName] || ((character===']') && (vnode.attrs[attributeName]!==''))) {
                        return !!vnode.attrs[attributeName];
                    // now we read the value of the attribute
                    // however, it could be that the selector has a special `detailed` identifier set (defined by: ATTR_DETAIL_SPECIFIERS)
                    if (ATTR_DETAIL_SPECIFIERS[character]) {
                        treatment = character; // store the character to know how the attributedata should be treaded
                        i++; // character should be a "=" by now
                    else {
                        treatment = null;
                    attributeValue = '';
                    stringMarker = selectorItem[i+1];
                    attributeisString = (stringMarker==='"') || (stringMarker==="'");
                    attributeisString && (i++);

                    // end of attributaValue = (character===']') && (!attributeisString || (selectorItem[i-1]===stringMarker))
                    while ((++i<len) && (character=selectorItem[i]) && !((character===']') && (!attributeisString || (selectorItem[i-1]===stringMarker)))) {
                        attributeValue += character;

                    if (attributeisString) {
                        // if attribute is string, then we need to _remove to last stringmarker
                        attributeValue = attributeValue.substr(0, attributeValue.length-1);
                    else {
                        // if attribute is no string, then we need to typecast its value
                        isBoolean = ((attributeValue.length>3) && (attributeValue.length<6) &&
                                     (checkBoolean=attributeValue.toUpperCase()) &&
                                     ((checkBoolean==='FALSE') || (checkBoolean==='TRUE')));
                        // typecast the value to either Boolean or Number:
                        attributeValue = isBoolean ? (checkBoolean==='TRUE') : parseFloat(attributeValue);

                    // depending upon how the attributedata should be treated:
                    if (treatment) {
                        switch (treatment) {
                            case '^': // “begins with” selector
                                if (!vnode.attrs[attributeName].startsWith(attributeValue)) {
                                    return false;
                            case '$': // “ends with” selector
                                if (!vnode.attrs[attributeName].endsWith(attributeValue)) {
                                    return false;
                            case '*': // “contains” selector (might be a substring)
                                if (!vnode.attrs[attributeName].contains(attributeValue)) {
                                    return false;
                            case '~': // “contains” selector as a separate word, separated by spaces
                                if (!(' '+vnode.attrs[attributeName]+' ').contains(' '+attributeValue+' ')) {
                                    return false;
                            case '|': // “contains” selector as a separate word, separated by `|`
                                if (!('|'+vnode.attrs[attributeName]+'|').contains('|'+attributeValue+'|')) {
                                    return false;
                    else if (vnode.attrs[attributeName]!==attributeValue) {
                        return false;

                    // we still need to increase one position:
                    (++i<len) && (character=selectorItem[i]);
                case ':':
                    // we have a pseudo-selector
                    // first, find out which one
                    // because '::' is a valid start (though without any selection), we start to back the next character as well:
                    pseudo = ':'+selectorItem[++i];
                    pseudoArg = '';
                    vParent = vnode.vParent;
                    vParentVChildren = vParent && vParent.vChildren;
                    // pseudo-selectors might have an argument passed in, like `:nth-child(2n+1)` or `:not([type="checkbox"])` --> we
                    // store this argument inside `pseudoArg`
                    // also note that combinations are possible with `:not` --> `:not(:nth-child(2n+1))`
                    // also note that we cannot "just" look for a closing character when running into the usage of attributes:
                    // for example --> `:not([data-x="some data :)"])`
                    // that's why -once we are inside attribute-data- we need to continue until the attribute-data ends
                    while ((++i<len) && (character=selectorItem[i]) && !SELECTOR_IDENTIFIERS[character]) {
                        if (character==='(') {
                            // starting arguments
                            arglevel = 1;
                            insideAttribute = false;
                            insideAttributeValue = false;
                            while ((++i<len) && (character=selectorItem[i]) && (arglevel>0)) {
                                if (!insideAttribute) {
                                    if (character==='(') {
                                    else if (character===')') {
                                    else if (character==='[') {
                                        insideAttribute = true;
                                else {
                                    // inside attribute
                                    if (!insideAttributeValue) {
                                        if ((character==='"') || (character==="'")) {
                                            insideAttributeValue = true;
                                            stringMarker = character;
                                        else if (character===']') {
                                            insideAttribute = false;
                                    else if ((character===stringMarker) && (selectorItem[i+1]===']')) {
                                        insideAttributeValue = false;
                                (arglevel>0) && (pseudoArg+=character);
                        else {
                            pseudo += character;
                    // now, `pseudo` is known as well as its possible pseudoArg
                    if (!vParentVChildren && PSEUDO_REQUIRED_CHILDREN[pseudo]) {
                        return false;
                    switch (pseudo) {
                        case ':checked': // input:checked   Selects every checked <input> element
                            if (!vnode.attrs.checked) {
                                return false;
                        case ':disabled': // input:disabled  Selects every disabled <input> element
                            if (!vnode.attrs.disabled) {
                                return false;
                        case ':empty': // p:empty Selects every <p> element that has no children (including text nodes)
                            if (vnode.vChildNodes && (vnode.vChildNodes.length>0)) {
                                return false;
                        case ':enabled': // input:enabled   Selects every enabled <input> element
                            if (vnode.attrs.disabled) {
                                return false;
                        case PSEUDO_FIRST_CHILD: // p:first-child   Selects every <p> element that is the first child of its parent
                            if (vParentVChildren[0]!==vnode) {
                                return false;
                        case PSEUDO_FIRST_OF_TYPE: // p:first-of-type Selects every <p> element that is the first <p> element of its parent
                            for (k=vParentVChildren.indexOf(vnode)-1; k>=0; k--) {
                                if (vParentVChildren[k].tag===vnode.tag) {
                                    return false;
                        case ':focus': // input:focus Selects the input element which has focus
                            if (vnode.domNode!==DOCUMENT.activeElement) {
                                return false;
                        case ':in-range': // input:in-range  Selects input elements with a value within a specified range
                            if ((vnode.tag!=='INPUT') || ((vnode.attrs.type || '').toLowerCase()!=='number')) {
                                return false;
                            min = parseInt(vnode.attrs.min, 10);
                            max = parseInt(vnode.attrs.max, 10);
                            value = parseInt(vnode.domNode.value, 10);
                            if (!value || !min || !max || (value<min) || (value>max)) {
                                return false;
                        case ':lang': // p:lang(it)  Selects every <p> element with a lang attribute equal to "it" (Italian)
                            if (vnode.attrs.lang!==pseudoArg) {
                                return false;
                        case PSEUDO_LAST_CHILD: // p:last-child    Selects every <p> element that is the last child of its parent
                            if (vParentVChildren[vParentVChildren.length-1]!==vnode) {
                                return false;
                        case PSEUDO_LAST_OF_TYPE: // p:last-of-type  Selects every <p> element that is the last <p> element of its parent
                            len2 = vParentVChildren.length;
                            for (k=vParentVChildren.indexOf(vnode)+1; k<len2; k++) {
                                if (vParentVChildren[k].tag===vnode.tag) {
                                    return false;
                        case ':not': // :not(p) Selects every element that is not a <p> element
                            if (vnode.matchesSelector(pseudoArg)) {
                                return false;
                        case PSEUDO_NTH_CHILD: // p:nth-child(2)  Selects every <p> element that is the second child of its parent
                            // NOTE: css `nth` starts with 1 instead of 0 !!!
                            index = vParentVChildren.indexOf(vnode)+1;
                            if (!_matchNthChild(pseudoArg, index)) {
                                return false;
                        case PSEUDO_NTH_LAST_CHILD: // p:nth-last-child(2) Selects every <p> element that is the second child of its parent, counting from the last child
                            // NOTE: css `nth` starts with 1 instead of 0 !!!
                            // Also, nth-last-child counts from bottom up
                            index = vParentVChildren.length - vParentVChildren.indexOf(vnode);
                            if (!_matchNthChild(pseudoArg, index)) {
                                return false;
                        case PSEUDO_NTH_LAST_OF_TYPE: // p:nth-last-of-type(2)   Selects every <p> element that is the second <p> element of its parent, counting from the last child
                            // NOTE: css `nth` starts with 1 instead of 0 !!!
                            // Also, nth-last-child counts from bottom up
                            index = vParentVChildren.length - vParentVChildren.indexOf(vnode);
                            // NOTE: css `nth` starts with 1 instead of 0 !!!
                            found = false;
                            index = 0;
                            for (k=vParentVChildren.length-1; (k>=0) && !found; k--) {
                                (vParentVChildren[k].tag===vnode.tag) && index++;
                                (vParentVChildren[k]===vnode) && (found=true);
                            if (!found || !_matchNthChild(pseudoArg, index)) {
                                return false;
                        case PSEUDO_NTH_OF_TYPE: // p:nth-of-type(2)    Selects every <p> element that is the second <p> element of its parent
                            // NOTE: css `nth` starts with 1 instead of 0 !!!
                            found = false;
                            len2 = vParentVChildren.length;
                            index = 0;
                            for (k=0; (k<len2) && !found; k++) {
                                (vParentVChildren[k].tag===vnode.tag) && index++;
                                (vParentVChildren[k]===vnode) && (found=true);
                            if (!found || !_matchNthChild(pseudoArg, index)) {
                                return false;
                        case PSEUDO_ONLY_OF_TYPE: // p:only-of-type  Selects every <p> element that is the only <p> element of its parent
                            len2 = vParentVChildren.length;
                            count = 0;
                            for (k=0; (k<len2) && (count<=1); k++) {
                                (vParentVChildren[k].tag===vnode.tag) && count++;
                            if (count!==1) {
                                return false;
                        case PSEUDO_ONLY_CHILD: // p:only-child    Selects every <p> element that is the only child of its parent
                            if (vParentVChildren.length!==1) {
                                return false;
                        case ':optional': // input:optional  Selects input elements with no "required" attribute
                            if (vnode.attrs.required) {
                                return false;
                        case ':out-of-range': // input:out-of-range  Selects input elements with a value outside a specified range
                            if ((vnode.tag!=='INPUT') || ((vnode.attrs.type || '').toLowerCase()!=='number')) {
                                return false;
                            min = parseInt(vnode.attrs.min, 10);
                            max = parseInt(vnode.attrs.max, 10);
                            value = parseInt(vnode.domNode.value, 10);
                            if (!value || !min || !max || ((value>=min) && (value<=max))) {
                                return false;
                        case ':read-only': // input:read-only Selects input elements with the "readonly" attribute specified
                            if (!vnode.attrs.readonly) {
                                return false;
                        case ':read-write': // input:read-write    Selects input elements with the "readonly" attribute NOT specified
                            if (vnode.attrs.readonly) {
                                return false;
                        case ':required': // input:required  Selects input elements with the "required" attribute specified
                            if (!vnode.attrs.required) {
                                return false;
                        case ':root': // Selects the document's root element
                            if (vnode.domNode!==DOCUMENT.documentElement) {
                                return false;
        return true;

     * Splits the selector into separate subselector-items that should match different elements through the tree.
     * Special characters '>' and '+' are added as separate items in the hash.
     * @method _splitSelector
     * @param selector {String} the selector-item to check the match for
     * @return {Array} splitted selectors
     * @protected
     * @private
     * @since 0.0.1
    _splitSelector = function(selector) {
        var list = [],
            len = selector.length,
            sel = '',
            i, character, insideDataAttr;

        for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
            character = selector[i];
            if (character==='[') {
                sel += character;
                insideDataAttr = true;
            else if (character===']') {
                sel += character;
                insideDataAttr = false;
            else if (insideDataAttr || !SPLIT_CHARACTER[character]) {
                sel += character;
            else {
                // unique selectoritem is found, add it to the list
                if (sel.length>0) {
                    list[list.length] = sel;
                    sel = '';
                // in case the last character was '>', '+' or '~', we need to add it as a separate item
                STORABLE_SPLIT_CHARACTER[character] && (list[list.length]=character);
        // add the last item
        if (sel.length>0) {
            list[list.length] = sel;
            sel = '';
        return list;

    _batchEmit = function() {
        // we will exactly define the 'UI:'-event --> Itags will have another emitterName
        MUTATION_EVENTS.each(function (mutationEvents, vnode) {
            var domNode = vnode.domNode;
            if (mutationEvents[EV_REMOVED]) {
            else if (mutationEvents[EV_INSERTED]) {
            else {
                // contentchange and attributechanges can go hand in hand
                mutationEvents.each(function(value, evt) {
                    domNode.emit('UI:'+evt, (evt===EV_CONTENT_CHANGE) ? null : {changed: value});
        BATCH_WILL_RUN = false;

    _emitDestroyChildren = function(vnode) {
        var children = vnode.vChildren,
            len = children.length,
            i, vChild;
        for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
            vChild = children[i];

    _markRemoved = function(vnode) {
        var vChildNodes = vnode.vChildNodes,
            len, i, vChildNode;
        if (vnode.nodeType===1) {
            Object.protectedProp(vnode, 'removedFromDOM', true);
            if (vChildNodes) {
                len = vChildNodes.length;
                for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
                    vChildNode = vChildNodes[i];
                    vChildNode && _markRemoved(vChildNode);

    * A safe way to remove a dom-node, even if it is not present.
    * Will not throw a JS error when the "to be removed" node isn't in the dom
    * @method _tryRemoveDomNode
    * @param parentDomNode {DOMNode} the parentNode that holds the node that needs to be removed
    * @param childDomNode {DOMNode} the node that needs to be removed
    * @since 0.0.1
    _tryRemoveDomNode = function(parentDomNode, childDomNode) {
        // if vnode is part of DOCUMENT._itagList then remove it
        if (DOCUMENT._itagList && childDomNode.isItag && childDomNode.isItag()) {
        try {
        catch(err) {}

    * A safe way to replace a dom-node, even if the "to be replaced"-node it is not present.
    * Will not throw a JS error when the "to be replaced" node isn't in the dom. in that case, the new node will
    * be appended
    * @method _tryReplaceChild
    * @param parentDomNode {DOMNode} the parentNode that holds the node that needs to be removed
    * @param newChildDomNode {DOMNode} the node that needs to be replaced
    * @param oldChildDomNode {DOMNode} the node that needs to be inserted
    * @since 0.0.1
    _tryReplaceChild = function(parentDomNode, newChildDomNode, oldChildDomNode) {
        // if vnode is part of DOCUMENT._itagList then remove it
        if (DOCUMENT._itagList && oldChildDomNode.isItag && oldChildDomNode.isItag()) {
        try {
            parentDomNode._replaceChild(newChildDomNode, oldChildDomNode);
        catch(err) {
           // if the childDomNode isn;t there any more - for whatever reason - the we need to append the newChildNode

    vNodeProto = window._ITSAmodules.VNode = {
        * Check whether the vnode's domNode is equal, or contains the specified Element.
        * @method contains
        * @return {Boolean} whether the vnode's domNode is equal, or contains the specified Element.
        * @since 0.0.1
        contains: function(otherVNode, noProtectedSearch) {
            var instance = this;
            if (otherVNode && (otherVNode.destroyed || (noProtectedSearch && otherVNode._systemNode))) {
                return false;
            while (otherVNode && (otherVNode!==instance)) {
                otherVNode = otherVNode.vParent;
                if (otherVNode && noProtectedSearch && (otherVNode._systemNode || (otherVNode.isItag && otherVNode.domNode.contentHidden))) {
                    return (otherVNode===instance);
            return (otherVNode===instance);

        * Empties the vnode.
        * Syncs with the dom.
        * @method empty
        * @param [full=false] {Boolean} whether system-nodes should be removed as well
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        empty: function(full) {
            delete this._scripts;
            return this._setChildNodes([], null, full);

        * Returns the first child-vnode (if any). The child represents an Element (nodeType===1).
        * @method firstOfVChildren
        * @param cssSelector {String} one or more css-selectors
        * @return {Object|null} the first child-vnode or null when not present
        * @since 0.0.1
        firstOfVChildren: function(cssSelector) {
            var instance = this,
                found, i, len, vChildren, element;
            if (!cssSelector) {
                return instance.vFirstElementChild;
            vChildren = instance.vChildren;
            len = vChildren.length;
            for (i=0; !found && (i<len); i++) {
                element = vChildren[i];
                element.matchesSelector(cssSelector) && (found=element);
            return found;

         * Gets the innerHTML of the vnode representing the dom-node.
         * You may exclude HTMLElement (node-type=1) by specifying `exclude`.
         * Only valid for nodetype=1 (HTMLElements)
         * @method getHTML
         * @param [exclude] {Array|HTMLElement} an array of HTMLElements - or just 1 - to be excluded
         * @param [includeSystemNodes=false] {Boolean} whether system-nodes and i-tag inner-content should be returned. By default, they stay hidden.
         * @return {String|undefined} the innerHTML without the elements specified, or `undefined` when not an HTMLElement
         * @since 0.0.1
        getHTML: function(exclude, includeSystemNodes) {
            var instance = this,
                html, vChildNodes, len, i, vChildNode;
            if (instance.nodeType===1) {
                if (exclude) {
                    Array.isArray(exclude) || (exclude=[exclude]);
                html = '';
                vChildNodes = instance.vChildNodes;
                len = vChildNodes ? vChildNodes.length : 0;
                for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                    vChildNode = vChildNodes[i];
                    switch (vChildNode.nodeType) {
                        case 1:
                            (exclude && exclude.contains(vChildNode.domNode)) || (!includeSystemNodes && vChildNode._systemNode) || (html+=vChildNode.getOuterHTML(exclude, includeSystemNodes));
                        case 3:
                            html += vChildNode.text.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
                        case 8:
                            html += '<!--' + vChildNode.text.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;') + '-->';
            return html;

         * Gets the outerHTML of the vnode representing the dom-node.
         * You may exclude HTMLElement (node-type=1) by specifying `exclude`.
         * @method getOuterHTML
         * @param [exclude] {Array|HTMLElement} an array of HTMLElements - or just 1 - to be excluded
         * @param [includeSystemNodes=false] {Boolean} whether system-nodes and i-tag inner-content should be returned. By default, they stay hidden.
         * @return {String} the outerHTML
         * @since 0.0.1
        getOuterHTML: function(exclude, includeSystemNodes) {
            var instance = this,
                attrs = instance.attrs;
            if (instance.nodeType===1) {
                if (instance.nodeType!==1) {
                    return instance.textContent;
                html = '<' + instance.tag.toLowerCase();
                attrs.each(function(value, key) {
                    html += ' '+key+'="'+value+'"';
                instance.isVoid && (html += '/');
                html += '>';
                if (!instance.isVoid) {
                    html += ((!includeSystemNodes && instance.isItag) ? '' : instance.getHTML(exclude, includeSystemNodes)) + '</' + instance.tag.toLowerCase() + '>';
            return html;

        * Checks whether the vnode has any vChildNodes (nodeType of 1, 3 or 8).
        * @method hasVChildNodes
        * @return {Boolean} whether the vnode has any vChildNodes.
        * @since 0.0.1
        hasVChildNodes: function() {
            return this.vChildNodes ? (this.vChildNodes.length>0) : false;

        * Checks whether the vnode has any vChildren (vChildNodes with nodeType of 1).
        * @method hasVChildren
        * @return {Boolean} whether the vnode has any vChildren.
        * @since 0.0.1
        hasVChildren: function() {
            return this.vChildNodes ? (this.vChildren.length>0) : false;

        * Checks whether the className is present on the vnode.
        * @method hasClass
        * @param className {String|Array} the className to check for. May be an Array of classNames, which all needs to be present.
        * @return {Boolean} whether the className (or classNames) is present on the vnode
        * @since 0.0.1
        hasClass: function(className) {
            var instance = this,
                check = function(cl) {
                    return !!instance.classNames[cl];
            if (!instance.classNames) {
                return false;
            if (typeof className === STRING) {
                return check(className);
            else if (Array.isArray(className)) {
                return className.every(check);
            return false;

        * Returns the last child-vnode (if any). The child represents an Element (nodeType===1).
        * @method lastOfVChildren
        * @param cssSelector {String} one or more css-selectors
        * @return {Object|null} the last child-vnode or null when not present
        * @since 0.0.1
        lastOfVChildren: function(cssSelector) {
            var vChildren = this.vChildren,
                found, i, element;
            if (vChildren) {
                if (!cssSelector) {
                    return this.vLastElementChild;
                for (i=vChildren.length-1; !found && (i>=0); i--) {
                    element = vChildren[i];
                    element.matchesSelector(cssSelector) && (found=element);
            return found;

        * Checks whether the vnode matches one of the specified selectors. `selectors` can be one, or multiple css-selectors,
        * separated by a `comma`. For example: "#myid li.red blue" is one selector, "div.red, div.blue, div.green" are three selectors.
        * @method matchesSelector
        * @param selectors {String} one or more css-selectors
        * @param [relatedVNode] {vnode} a related vnode where to selectors starting with `>`, `~` or `+` should be compared.
        *        If not specified, any of these three starting selector-characters will be ignored (leading to matching this first character).
        * @return {Boolean} whether the vnode matches one of the selectors
        * @since 0.0.1
        matchesSelector: function(selectors, relatedVNode) {
            var instance = this;
            if (instance.nodeType!==1) {
                return false;
            selectors = selectors.split(',');
            // we can use Array.some, because there won't be many separated selectoritems,
            // so the final invocation won't be delayed much compared to looping
            return selectors.some(function(selector) {
                return _matchesOneSelector(instance, selector, relatedVNode);

        * Reloads the DOM-attribute into the vnode.
        * @method matchesSelector
        * @param attributeName {String} the name of the attribute to be reloaded.
        * @return {Node} the domNode that was reloaded.
        * @since 0.0.1
        reloadAttr: function(attributeName) {
            var instance = this,
                domNode = instance.domNode,
                attributeValue = domNode._getAttribute(attributeName),
                attrs = instance.attrs,
                extractStyle, extractClass;
            if (instance.nodeType===1) {
                attributeValue || (attributeValue='');
                if (attributeValue==='') {
                    delete attrs[attributeName];
                    // in case of STYLE attributeName --> special treatment
                    (attributeName===STYLE) && (instance.styles={});
                    // in case of CLASS attributeName --> special treatment
                    (attributeName===CLASS) && (instance.classNames={});
                    // in case of ID attributeName --> special treatment
                    if ((attributeName===ID) && (instance.id)) {
                        delete instance.id;
                else {
                    attrs[attributeName] = attributeValue;
                    // in case of STYLE attributeName --> special treatment
                    if (attributeName===STYLE) {
                        extractStyle = extractor.extractStyle(attributeValue);
                        attributeValue = extractStyle.attrStyle;
                        if (attributeValue) {
                            attrs.style = attributeValue;
                        else {
                            delete attrs.style;
                        instance.styles = extractStyle.styles;
                    else if (attributeName===CLASS) {
                        // in case of CLASS attributeName --> special treatment
                        extractClass = extractor.extractClass(attributeValue);
                        attributeValue = extractClass.attrClass;
                        if (attributeValue) {
                            attrs[CLASS] = attributeValue;
                        else {
                            delete attrs[CLASS];
                        instance.classNames = extractClass.classNames;
                    else if (attributeName===ID) {
                        instance.id = attributeValue;
            return domNode;

        * Returns the vnode's style in a serialized form: the way it appears in the dom.
        * @method serializeStyles
        * @return {String} vnode's style
        * @since 0.0.1
        serializeStyles: function() {
            return extractor.serializeStyles(this.styles);

        * Sets the vnode's and dom-nodes inner HTML.
        * Syncs with the dom. Can be invoked multiple times without issues.
        * @method setHTML
        * @param content {String} the innerHTML
        * @param [suppressItagRender] {Boolean} to suppress Itags from rendering
        * @param [allowScripts=false] {Boolean} whether scripts are allowed --> these should be defined with `xscript` instead of `script`
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        setHTML: function(content, suppressItagRender, allowScripts) {
            var instance = this;
            instance._setChildNodes(htmlToVNodes(content, vNodeProto, instance.ns, null, suppressItagRender, allowScripts), suppressItagRender);
            return instance;

        //---- private ------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Adds a vnode to the end of the list of vChildNodes.
         * Syncs with the DOM.
         * @method _appendChild
         * @param VNode {vnode} vnode to append
         * @private
         * @return {Node} the Node that was appended
         * @since 0.0.1
        _appendChild: function(VNode) {
            var instance = this,
                domNode = VNode.domNode,
                size, noProccessScript, scriptContent;
            if ((VNode.tag==='SCRIPT') && instance._scripts) {
                // first check if the script already ran:
                scriptContent = (VNode.attrs && VNode.attrs.src) ? VNode.attrs.src : VNode.vChildNodes[0].text;
                instance._scripts.some(function(script) {
                    noProccessScript = (scriptContent===script);
                    return noProccessScript;
            if (!noProccessScript) {
                if (VNode.nodeType===3) {
                    size = instance.vChildNodes.length;
                    // if the size changed, then the domNode was merged
                    (size===instance.vChildNodes.length) || (domNode=instance.vChildNodes[instance.vChildNodes.length-1].domNode);
                if (VNode.nodeType===1) {
                return domNode;

        * Removes the vnode from its parent vChildNodes- and vChildren-list.
        * Does NOT sync with the dom.
        * @method _deleteFromParent
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _deleteFromParent: function() {
            var instance = this,
                vParent = instance.vParent;
            if (vParent && vParent.vChildNodes) {
                // force to recalculate the vChildren on a next call:
                (instance.nodeType===1) && (vParent._vChildren=null);
            return instance;

        * Cleans up (empties) vnode's `_data`
        * @method _cleanData
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _cleanData: function() {
            var instance = this,
                data = instance._data;
            data && data.each(
                function(value, key) {
                    delete data[key];
            return instance;

        * Cleans up (removes) duplicated `style` definitions.
        * @method _cleanupStyle
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _cleanupStyle: function() {
            var instance = this,
                compare = [],
                removal = [],
                vChildren = instance.vChildren,
                len = vChildren.length,
                vChild, i, styleContent, vChildInner;
            for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                vChild = vChildren[i];
                if (vChild.tag==='STYLE') {
                    vChildInner = vChild.vChildNodes[0];
                    if (vChildInner) {
                        styleContent = vChildInner.text;
                        if (compare.contains(styleContent)) {
                            removal[removal.length] = vChild;
                        else {
                            compare[compare.length] = styleContent;
                    // empty style tags will be remained --> they might have been set to fill later on
            removal.forEach(function(vnode) {

        * Destroys the vnode and all its vnode-vChildNodes.
        * Removes it from its vParent.vChildNodes list,
        * Does NOT sync with the dom.
        * @method _destroy
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _destroy: function(silent) {
            var instance = this,
                vChildNodes = instance.vChildNodes,
                len, i, vChildNode, vParent, treeNodes;
            if (!instance.destroyed) {
                if (!silent) {
                    // Because we don't want to hold down UI-experience (many descendant nodes may be removed),
                    // we generate EV_REMOVED emission in a future eventcycle:
                    later(function() {
                        instance._emit(EV_REMOVED, null, null, null, true);
                    }, 5);
                Object.protectedProp(instance, 'destroyed', true);

                // first: determine the dom-tree, which module `event-dom` needs to determine where the node was before it was destroyed:
                treeNodes = [instance];
                vParent = instance.vParent;
                while (vParent) {
                    treeNodes[treeNodes.length] = vParent;
                    vParent = vParent.vParent;

                // mark all its vChildNodes so we can see if the node is in the DOM
                // if vnode is part of DOCUMENT._itagList then remove it
                if (DOCUMENT._itagList && instance.isItag) {

                instance._scripts && (instance._scripts.length=0);

                // The definite cleanup needs to be done after a timeout:
                // someone might need to handle the Element when removed (fe to cleanup specific things)
                later(function() {
                    if (instance.nodeType===1) {
                        // _destroy all its vChildNodes
                        if (vChildNodes) {
                            len = vChildNodes.length;
                            for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
                                vChildNode = vChildNodes[i];
                                vChildNode && vChildNode._destroy(true);
                    instance._vChildren = null;
                    // explicitely set instance.domNode._vnode and instance.domNode to null in order to prevent problems with the GC (we break the circular reference)
                    delete instance.domNode._vnode;
                }, silent ? 0 : DESTROY_DELAY);

                // Do not make domNode `null` --> it could be used even when not in the dom
            return instance;

        _emit: function(evt, attribute, newValue, prevValue, destroyEvt) {
            * Emitted by every Element that gets inserted.
            * @event nodeinsert
            * @param e {Object} eventobject including:
            * @param e.target {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is being dragged
            * @param e.currentTarget {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is delegating
            * @since 0.1

            * Emitted by every Element that gets removed.
            * @event noderemove
            * @param e {Object} eventobject including:
            * @param e.target {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is being dragged
            * @param e.currentTarget {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is delegating
            * @since 0.1

            * Emitted by every Element that gets its content changed (innerHTML/innerText).
            * @event nodecontentchange
            * @param e {Object} eventobject including:
            * @param e.target {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is being dragged
            * @param e.currentTarget {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is delegating
            * @since 0.1

            * Emitted by every Element that gets an attribute inserted.
            * @event attributeinsert
            * @param e {Object} eventobject including:
            * @param e.target {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is being dragged
            * @param e.currentTarget {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is delegating
            * @param e.changed {Array} Array with Objects having three properties:
            * <ul>
            *     <li>attribute</li>
            *     <li>newValue</li>
            * </ul>
            * @since 0.1

            * Emitted by every Element that gets an attribute removed.
            * @event attributeremove
            * @param e {Object} eventobject including:
            * @param e.target {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is being dragged
            * @param e.currentTarget {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is delegating
            * @param e.changed {Array} Array with Strings of the attributeNames that are removed
            * @since 0.1

            * Emitted by every Element that gets an attribute changed.
            * @event attributechange
            * @param e {Object} eventobject including:
            * @param e.target {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is being dragged
            * @param e.currentTarget {HtmlElement} the HtmlElement that is delegating
            * @param e.changed {Array} Array with Objects having three properties:
            * <ul>
            *     <li>attribute</li>
            *     <li>newValue</li>
            *     <li>prevValue</li>
            * </ul>
            * @since 0.1

            var instance = this,
                silent, attrMutations, mutationEvents, mutation, vParent;
            if (!DOCUMENT.hasMutationSubs || (instance.nodeType!==1)) {
            silent = !!DOCUMENT._suppressMutationEvents;
            if (!silent && (destroyEvt || !instance.destroyed)) {
                // Because we don't wannt to hold down UI-experience (many descendant nodes may be removed),
                // we generate EV_REMOVED emission in a future eventcycle:
                mutationEvents = MUTATION_EVENTS.get(instance) || {};
                if (attribute) {
                    attrMutations = mutationEvents[evt] || [];
                    if (evt===EV_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVED) {
                        mutation = attribute;
                    else {
                        mutation = {
                            attribute: attribute
                        if ((evt===EV_ATTRIBUTE_INSERTED) || (evt===EV_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED)) {
                            mutation.newValue = newValue;
                        if ((evt===EV_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED) && prevValue) {
                            mutation.prevValue = prevValue;
                    mutationEvents[evt] = attrMutations;
                else {
                    mutationEvents[evt] = true;
                MUTATION_EVENTS.set(instance, mutationEvents);

                // now set all parent to have a nodecontentchange:
                vParent = instance.vParent;
                vParent && vParent._emit(EV_CONTENT_CHANGE);

                // in case of removal we need to emit EV_REMOVED for all children right now
                // for they will be actually removed silently after a delay of 1 minute
                (evt===EV_REMOVED) && _emitDestroyChildren(instance);

                if (!BATCH_WILL_RUN) {
                    BATCH_WILL_RUN = true;
                    async(function() {
            return instance;

         * Inserts `newVNode` before `refVNode`.
         * Syncs with the DOM.
         * @method _insertBefore
         * @param newVNode {vnode} vnode to insert
         * @param refVNode {vnode} The vnode before which newVNode should be inserted.
         * @private
         * @return {Node} the Node being inserted (equals domNode)
         * @since 0.0.1
        _insertBefore: function(newVNode, refVNode) {
            var instance = this,
                domNode = newVNode.domNode,
                index = instance.vChildNodes.indexOf(refVNode),
                noProccessScript, scriptContent;
            if ((newVNode.tag==='SCRIPT') && instance._scripts) {
                // first check if the script already ran:
                scriptContent = (newVNode.attrs && newVNode.attrs.src) ? newVNode.attrs.src : newVNode.vChildNodes[0].text;
                instance._scripts.some(function(script) {
                    noProccessScript = (scriptContent===script);
                    return noProccessScript;
            if (!noProccessScript) {
                if (index!==-1) {
                    newVNode._moveToParent(instance, index);
                    instance.domNode._insertBefore(domNode, refVNode.domNode);
                    (newVNode.nodeType===3) && instance._normalize();
                    if (newVNode.nodeType===1) {
                    return domNode;
                else {
                    console.warn('trying to insert before, but no ref-node found. Will append the new node');
                    return instance._appendChild(newVNode);

        * Moves the vnode from its current parent.vChildNodes list towards a new parent vnode at the specified position.
        * Does NOT sync with the dom.
        * @method _moveToParent
        * @param parentVNode {vnode} the parent-vnode
        * @param [index] {Number} the position of the child. When not specified, it will be appended.
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _moveToParent: function(parentVNode, index) {
            var instance = this,
                vParent = instance.vParent;
            instance.vParent = parentVNode;
            parentVNode.vChildNodes || (parentVNode.vChildNodes=[]);
            (typeof index==='number') ? parentVNode.vChildNodes.insertAt(instance, index) : (parentVNode.vChildNodes[parentVNode.vChildNodes.length]=instance);
            // force to recalculate the vChildren on a next call:
            vParent && (instance.nodeType===1) && (vParent._vChildren = null);
            // force to recalculate the vChildren on a next call:
            parentVNode && (instance.nodeType===1) && (parentVNode._vChildren=null);
            return instance;

        * Removes empty TextNodes and merges following TextNodes inside the vnode.
        * Syncs with the dom.
        * @method _normalize
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _normalize: function() {
            var instance = this,
                domNode = instance.domNode,
                vChildNodes = instance.vChildNodes,
                changed = false,
                i, preChildNode, vChildNode;
            if (!instance._unNormalizable && vChildNodes) {
                for (i=vChildNodes.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
                    vChildNode = vChildNodes[i];
                    preChildNode = vChildNodes[i-1]; // i will get the value `-1` eventually, which leads into undefined preChildNode
                    if (vChildNode.nodeType===3) {
                        if (vChildNode.text==='') {
                            _tryRemoveDomNode(domNode, vChildNode.domNode);
                            changed = true;
                        else if (preChildNode && preChildNode.nodeType===3) {
                            preChildNode.text += vChildNode.text;
                            preChildNode.domNode.nodeValue = unescapeEntities(preChildNode.text);
                            _tryRemoveDomNode(domNode, vChildNode.domNode);
                            changed = true;
            changed && instance._emit(EV_CONTENT_CHANGE);
            return instance;

        * Makes the vnode `normalizable`. Could be set to `false` when batch-inserting nodes, while `normalizaing` manually at the end.
        * Afterwards, you should always reset `normalizable` to true.
        * @method _normalizable
        * @param value {Boolean} whether the vnode should be normalisable.
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _normalizable: function(value) {
            var instance = this;
            value ? (delete instance._unNormalizable) : (instance._unNormalizable=true);
            return instance;

        * Prevents MutationObserver from making the dom sync with the vnode.
        * Should be used when manipulating the dom from within the vnode itself (to preventing looping)
        * @method _noSync
        * @chainable
        * @private
        * @since 0.0.1
        _noSync: function() {
            var instance = this;
            if (!instance._nosync) {
                instance._nosync = true;
                async(function() {
                    instance._nosync = false;
            return instance;

        * Removes the attribute of both the vnode as well as its related dom-node.
        * Syncs with the dom.
        * @method _removeAttr
        * @param attributeName {String}
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _removeAttr: function(attributeName, suppressItagRender) {
            var instance = this,
                attributeNameSplitted, ns;
            if (instance.isItag && !suppressItagRender && ((instance._unchangableAttrs && instance._unchangableAttrs[attributeName]) || ((attributeName.length===2) && (attributeName.toLowerCase()==='is')))) {
                console.warn('Not allowed to remove the attribute '+attributeName);
                return instance;
            if (instance.attrs[attributeName]!==undefined) {
                delete instance.attrs[attributeName];
                // in case of STYLE attribute --> special treatment
                (attributeName===STYLE) && (instance.styles={});
                // in case of CLASS attribute --> special treatment
                (attributeName===CLASS) && (instance.classNames={});
                if (attributeName===ID) {
                    delete instance.id;
                instance._emit(EV_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVED, attributeName);
                if (attributeName.indexOf(':')!==-1) {
                    attributeNameSplitted = attributeName.split(':');
                    ns = attributeNameSplitted[0];
                    attributeName = attributeNameSplitted[1];
                    instance.domNode._removeAttributeNS(xmlNS[ns.toUpperCase()] || ns, attributeName);
                else {
            return instance;

        * Removes the vnode's child-vnode from its vChildren and the DOM.
         * Syncs with the DOM.
        * @method removeChild
        * @param VNode {vnode} the child-vnode to remove
        * @private
        * @since 0.0.1
        _removeChild: function(VNode) {
            var instance = this,
                domNode = VNode.domNode,
                hadFocus = domNode && domNode.hasFocus && domNode.hasFocus() && (VNode.attrs['fm-lastitem']==='true'),
                parentVNode = VNode.vParent;
            _tryRemoveDomNode(instance.domNode, VNode.domNode);
            // now, reset the focus on focusmanager when needed:
            if (hadFocus) {
                while (parentVNode && !parentVNode.attrs['fm-manage']) {
                    parentVNode = parentVNode.vParent;
                parentVNode && parentVNode.domNode.focus();

        * Replaces the current vnode at the parent.vChildNode list by `newVNode`
        * Does NOT sync with the dom.
        * @method _replaceAtParent
        * @param newVNode {Object} the new vnode which should take over the place of the current vnode
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _replaceAtParent: function(newVNode) {
            var instance = this,
                vParent = instance.vParent,
                vChildNodes, index;
            if (vParent && (vChildNodes=vParent.vChildNodes)) {
                index = vChildNodes.indexOf(instance);
                // force to recalculate the vChildren on a next call:
                ((instance.nodeType===1) || (newVNode.nodeType===1)) && (instance.vParent._vChildren=null);
                vChildNodes[index] = newVNode;
            return instance._destroy();

        * Sets the attribute of both the vnode as well as its related dom-node.
        * Syncs with the dom.
        * @method _setAttr
        * @param attributeName {String}
        * @param value {String} the value for the attributeName
        * @param [force=false] {Boolean} force the attribute to be set, even if restrictions would deny it
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _setAttr: function(attributeName, value, force, suppressItagRender) {
            var instance = this,
                extractStyle, extractClass,
                attrs = instance.attrs,
                prevVal = attrs[attributeName],
                domNode = instance.domNode,
                attributeNameSplitted, ns;

            if (instance.isItag && !force && !suppressItagRender && ((instance._unchangableAttrs && instance._unchangableAttrs[attributeName]) || ((attributeName.length===2) && (attributeName.toLowerCase()==='is')))) {
                if (prevVal!=value) {
                    console.warn('Not allowed to set the attribute '+attributeName);
                return instance;
            // don't check by !== --> value isn't parsed into a String yet
            if (prevVal && ((value===undefined) || (value===null))) {
                instance._removeAttr(attributeName, suppressItagRender);
                return instance;
            // attribute-values are always Strings:
            value = String(value);
            // attribute-values will be stored without &quot; or &apos;
            value = value.replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&apos;/g, "'");
            if (prevVal!=value) {
                attrs[attributeName] = value;
                // in case of STYLE attribute --> special treatment
                if (attributeName===STYLE) {
                    extractStyle = extractor.extractStyle(value);
                    value = extractStyle.attrStyle;
                    if (value) {
                        attrs.style = value;
                    else {
                        delete attrs.style;
                    instance.styles = extractStyle.styles;
                else if (attributeName===CLASS) {
                    // in case of CLASS attribute --> special treatment
                    extractClass = extractor.extractClass(value);
                    value = extractClass.attrClass;
                    if (value) {
                        attrs[CLASS] = value;
                    else {
                        delete attrs[CLASS];
                    instance.classNames = extractClass.classNames;
                else if (attributeName===ID) {
                    instance.id = value;

                instance._emit(prevVal ? EV_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED : EV_ATTRIBUTE_INSERTED, attributeName, value, prevVal);

                // when set in the dom --> quotes need to be set as &quot;
                value = value.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
                if (attributeName.indexOf(':')!==-1) {
                    attributeNameSplitted = attributeName.split(':');
                    ns = attributeNameSplitted[0];
                    attributeName = attributeNameSplitted[1];
                    try {
                        domNode._setAttributeNS(xmlNS[ns.toUpperCase()] || ns, attributeName, value);
                    catch(err) {
                        console.warn('namespace: '+(xmlNS[ns.toUpperCase()] || ns));
                        console.warn('attribute: '+attributeName);
                        console.warn('value: '+value);
                else {
                    try {
                        domNode._setAttribute(attributeName, value);
                    catch(err) {
                        console.warn('attribute: '+attributeName);
                        console.warn('value: '+value);
            return instance;

        * Redefines the attributes of both the vnode as well as its related dom-node. The new
        * definition replaces any previous attributes (without touching unmodified attributes).
        * the `is` attribute cannot be changed for itags.
        * Syncs the new vnode's attributes with the dom.
        * @method _setAttrs
        * @param newAttrs {Object|Array} the new attributes to be set
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _setAttrs: function(newAttrs, suppressItagRender) {
            // does sync the DOM
            var instance = this,
                attrsObj, attr, attrs, i, key, keys, len, value;
            if (instance.nodeType!==1) {
            attrs = instance.attrs;

            if (Object.isObject(newAttrs)) {
                attrsObj = newAttrs;
            else {
                attrsObj = {};
                len = newAttrs.length;
                for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                    attr = newAttrs[i];
                    attrsObj[attr.name] = attr.value;

            if (instance.isItag && !suppressItagRender) {
                if (attrs.is) {
                    attrsObj.is = attrs.is;
                else {
                    delete attrsObj.is;
                    delete attrsObj.Is;
                    delete attrsObj.iS;
                    delete attrsObj.IS;

            // first _remove the attributes that are no longer needed.
            // quickest way for object iteration: http://jsperf.com/object-keys-iteration/20
            keys = Object.keys(attrs);
            len = keys.length;
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                key = keys[i];
                attrsObj[key] || instance._removeAttr(key, suppressItagRender);

            // next: every attribute that differs: redefine
            keys = Object.keys(attrsObj);
            len = keys.length;
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                key = keys[i];
                value = attrsObj[key];
                (attrs[key]===value) || instance._setAttr(key, value, suppressItagRender);

            return instance;

        * Redefines the childNodes of both the vnode as well as its related dom-node. The new
        * definition replaces any previous nodes. (without touching unmodified nodes).
        * Syncs the new vnode's childNodes with the dom.
        * @method _setChildNodes
        * @param newVChildNodes {Array} array with vnodes which represent the new childNodes
        * @private
        * @chainable
        * @since 0.0.1
        _setChildNodes: function(newVChildNodes, suppressItagRender, removeSystemElements) {
            // does sync the DOM
            var instance = this,
                vChildNodes = instance.vChildNodes || [],
                domNode = instance.domNode,
                forRemoval = [],
                i, oldChild, newChild, newLength, len, len2, childDomNode, nodeswitch, bkpAttrs, cleanupStyle,
                process, bkpChildNodes, needNormalize, prevSuppress, scriptContent, _scripts, scriptLen, j;

            // first: reset ._vChildren --> by making it empty, its getter will refresh its list on a next call
            instance._vChildren = null;
            // if newVChildNodes is undefined, then we assume it to be empty --> an empty array
            newVChildNodes || (newVChildNodes=[]);

            // quickest way to loop through array is by using for loops: http://jsperf.com/array-foreach-vs-for-loop/5
            len = vChildNodes.length;

            // we need to add the systemNodes -if any- to the new newVChildNodes: they should be retained.
            // SystemNodes are always places at the beginning, so they won't get reshuffled:
            if (!removeSystemElements) {
                for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                    oldChild = vChildNodes[i];
                    if (oldChild._systemNode) {
                        newVChildNodes.insertAt(oldChild, i);
                    else {
            newLength = newVChildNodes.length;
            for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                oldChild = vChildNodes[i];
                childDomNode = oldChild.domNode;

                if (i < newLength) {
                    newChild = newVChildNodes[i];
                    newChild.vParent || (newChild.vParent=instance);
                    // in case a `style` tag is set --> we want to cleanup posible double definitions
                    (newChild.tag==='STYLE') && (cleanupStyle=true);
/*jshint boss:true */
                    switch (nodeswitch=NODESWITCH[oldChild.nodeType][newChild.nodeType]) {
/*jshint boss:false */
                        case 1: // oldNodeType==Element, newNodeType==Element
                            // Firts check if the tag is a script:
                            // Script-tags are removed from the dom after executed and stored inside parentVNode._scripts {Array}
                            // where the innerHTML is stored. They don't get re-inserted when they are already present inside this hash
                            // This way we prevent scripts from running multiple times
                            if (newChild.tag==='SCRIPT') {
                                scriptContent = (newChild.attrs && newChild.attrs.src) ? newChild.attrs.src : newChild.vChildNodes[0].text;
                                // check if the parent has this script set:
                                process = true;
/*jshint boss:true */
                                if (_scripts=instance._scripts) {
/*jshint boss:false */
                                    scriptLen = _scripts.length;
                                    for (j=0; process && (j<scriptLen); j++) {
                                        process = (scriptContent!==scriptLen[j]);
                                if (process) {
                                    // parent didn't had the script set: we will process
                                    // but we need to remove the node once it is set
                                    // also: the script's content will be stored on is parent,
                                    // so we know can compare future comparision.
                                    instance._scripts || (instance._scripts=[]);
                                    instance._scripts[instance._scripts.length] = scriptContent;
                            else {
                                process = true;
                            if (process) {
                                if ((oldChild.tag!==newChild.tag) ||
                                    ((oldChild.tag===newChild.tag) && oldChild.isItag && (oldChild.attrs.is!==newChild.attrs.is))) {
                                    // new tag --> completely replace
                                    bkpAttrs = newChild.attrs;
                                    bkpChildNodes = newChild.vChildNodes;
    /*jshint proto:true */
                                    oldChild.isItag && oldChild.domNode.destroyUI && oldChild.domNode.destroyUI(PROTO_SUPPORTED ? null : newChild.__proto__.constructor);
    /*jshint proto:false */
                                    newChild.attrs = {}; // reset to force defined by `_setAttrs`
                                    newChild.vChildNodes = []; // reset , to force defined by `_setAttrs`
                                    _tryReplaceChild(domNode, newChild.domNode, childDomNode);
                                    newChild.vParent = instance;
                                    newChild._setAttrs(bkpAttrs, suppressItagRender);
                                    newChild._setChildNodes(bkpChildNodes, suppressItagRender);
                                else {
                                    // same tag --> only update what is needed
                                    // NOTE: when this._unchangableAttrs exists, an itag-element syncs its UI -->
                                    if (oldChild._data) {
                                        // we might need to set the class `itag-rendered` when the attributeData says so:
                                        // this happens when an itag gets refreshed with an unrendered definition
                                        if (oldChild._data.itagRendered && !newChild.hasClass('itag-rendered')) {
                                            newChild.classNames['itag-rendered'] = true;
                                            if (newChild.attrs[CLASS]) {
                                                newChild.attrs[CLASS] = newChild.attrs[CLASS] + ' '+'itag-rendered';
                                            else {
                                                newChild.attrs[CLASS] = 'itag-rendered';
                                        // we might need to set the class `focussed` when the attributeData says so:
                                        // this happens when an itag gets rerendered: its renderFn doesn't know if any elements
                                        // were focussed
                                        if (oldChild._data.focussed && !newChild.hasClass('focussed')) {
                                            newChild.classNames.focussed = true;
                                            if (newChild.attrs[CLASS]) {
                                                newChild.attrs[CLASS] = newChild.attrs[CLASS] + ' ' + 'focussed';
                                            else {
                                                newChild.attrs[CLASS] = 'focussed';
                                        if (oldChild._data['fm-tabindex']) {
                                            // node has the tabindex set by the focusmanager,
                                            // but that info might got lost with re-rendering of the new element
                                            newChild.attrs.tabindex = '0';
                                    if (oldChild.isItag) {
                                        prevSuppress = DOCUMENT._suppressMutationEvents || false;
                                        DOCUMENT.suppressMutationEvents && DOCUMENT.suppressMutationEvents(true);
    /*jshint proto:true */
                                        newChild.domNode.destroyUI && newChild.domNode.destroyUI(PROTO_SUPPORTED ? null : newChild.__proto__.constructor);
    /*jshint proto:false */
                                        oldChild._setAttrs(newChild.attrs, suppressItagRender);
                                        newChild._destroy(true); // destroy through the vnode and removing from DOCUMENT._itagList
                                        DOCUMENT.suppressMutationEvents && DOCUMENT.suppressMutationEvents(prevSuppress);
                                    else {
                                        oldChild._setAttrs(newChild.attrs, suppressItagRender);
                                        // next: sync the vChildNodes, but DO NOT do this in case of an `icon`:
                                        // those may keep their innercontent: we don't want to fill them empty and rerender again.
                                        // On iconchange: the `icon`-module will rerender the innercontent by itself:
                                        if ((oldChild.tag!=='I') || !oldChild.attrs || !oldChild.attrs.icon) {
                                            oldChild._setChildNodes(newChild.vChildNodes, suppressItagRender);
                                    // reset ref. to the domNode, for it might have been changed by newChild:
                                    newVChildNodes[i] = oldChild;
                        case 2: // oldNodeType==Element, newNodeType==TextNode
                                // case2 and case3 should be treated the same
                        case 3: // oldNodeType==Element, newNodeType==Comment
                            newChild.domNode.nodeValue = unescapeEntities(newChild.text);
                            _tryReplaceChild(domNode, newChild.domNode, childDomNode);
                            newChild.vParent = instance;
                        case 4: // oldNodeType==TextNode, newNodeType==Element
                                // case4 and case7 should be treated the same
                        case 7: // oldNodeType==Comment, newNodeType==Element
                            bkpAttrs = newChild.attrs;
                            bkpChildNodes = newChild.vChildNodes;
                            newChild.attrs = {}; // reset, to force defined by `_setAttrs`
                            newChild.vChildNodes = []; // reset to current state, to force defined by `_setAttrs`
                            _tryReplaceChild(domNode, newChild.domNode, childDomNode);
                            newChild._setAttrs(bkpAttrs, suppressItagRender);
                            newChild._setChildNodes(bkpChildNodes, suppressItagRender);
                            // oldChild.isVoid = newChild.isVoid;
                            // delete oldChild.text;
                        case 5: // oldNodeType==TextNode, newNodeType==TextNode
                                // case5 and case9 should be treated the same
                        case 9: // oldNodeType==Comment, newNodeType==Comment
                            if (oldChild.text!==newChild.text) {
                                oldChild.text = newChild.text;
                                oldChild.domNode.nodeValue = unescapeEntities(newChild.text);
                            newVChildNodes[i] = oldChild;
                        case 6: // oldNodeType==TextNode, newNodeType==Comment
                                // case6 and case8 should be treated the same
                        case 8: // oldNodeType==Comment, newNodeType==TextNode
                            newChild.domNode.nodeValue = unescapeEntities(newChild.text);
                            _tryReplaceChild(domNode, newChild.domNode, childDomNode);
                            newChild.vParent = oldChild.vParent;
                    if ((nodeswitch===2) || (nodeswitch===5) || (nodeswitch===8)) {
                        needNormalize = true;
                else {
                    // _remove previous definition
                    _tryRemoveDomNode(domNode, oldChild.domNode);
                    // the oldChild needs to be removed, however, this cannot be done right now, for it would effect the loop
                    // so we store it inside a hash to remove it later
                    forRemoval[forRemoval.length] = oldChild;
            // now definitely remove marked childNodes:
            len2 = forRemoval.length;
            for (i=0; i<len2; i++) {
            // now we add all new vChildNodes that go beyond `len`:
            for (i = len; i < newLength; i++) {
                newChild = newVChildNodes[i];
                newChild.vParent = instance;
                // in case a `style` tag is set --> we want to cleanup posible double definitions
                (newChild.tag==='STYLE') && (cleanupStyle=true);
                switch (newChild.nodeType) {
                    case 1: // Element
                        // Firts check if the tag is a script:
                        // Script-tags are removed from the dom after executed and stored inside parentVNode._scripts {Array}
                        // where the innerHTML is stored. They don't get re-inserted when they are already present inside this hash
                        // This way we prevent scripts from running multiple times
                        if (newChild.tag==='SCRIPT') {
                            scriptContent = (newChild.attrs && newChild.attrs.src) ? newChild.attrs.src : newChild.vChildNodes[0].text;
                            // check if the parent has this script set:
                            process = true;
/*jshint boss:true */
                            if (_scripts=instance._scripts) {
/*jshint boss:false */
                                scriptLen = _scripts.length;
                                for (j=0; process && (j<scriptLen); j++) {
                                    process = (scriptContent!==scriptLen[j]);
                            if (process) {
                                // parent didn't had the script set: we will process
                                // but we need to remove the node once it is set
                                // also: the script's content will be stored on is parent,
                                // so we know can compare future comparision.
                                instance._scripts || (instance._scripts=[]);
                                instance._scripts[instance._scripts.length] = scriptContent;
                        else {
                            process = true;
                        if (process) {
                            bkpAttrs = newChild.attrs;
                            bkpChildNodes = newChild.vChildNodes;
                            newChild.attrs = {}; // reset, to force defined by `_setAttrs`
                            newChild.vChildNodes = []; // reset to current state, to force defined by `_setAttrs`
                            newChild._setAttrs(bkpAttrs, suppressItagRender);
                            newChild._setChildNodes(bkpChildNodes, suppressItagRender);
                    case 3: // TextNode
                        needNormalize = true;
                        // we need to break through --> no `break`
                        /* falls through */
                    default: // TextNode or CommentNode
                        // newChild.domNode.nodeValue = newChild.text;
                        newChild.domNode.nodeValue = unescapeEntities(newChild.text);
            instance.vChildNodes = newVChildNodes;
            needNormalize && instance._normalize();
            cleanupStyle && instance._cleanupStyle();
            return instance;

        _setUnchangableAttrs: function(unchangableObj) {
            this._unchangableAttrs = unchangableObj;


    //---- properties ------------------------------------------------------------------

     * A hash of all the `attributes` of the vnode's representing dom-node.
     * @property attrs
     * @type Object
     * @since 0.0.1

     * Hash with all the classes of the vnode. Every class represents a key, all values are set `true`.
     * @property classNames
     * @type Object
     * @since 0.0.1

     * The `id` of the vnode's representing dom-node (if any).
     * @property id
     * @type String
     * @since 0.0.1

     * Tells whether tag is a void Element. Examples are: `br`, `img` and `input`. Non-void Elements are f.e. `div` and `table`.
     * For TextNodes and CommentNodes, this property is `undefined`.
     * @property isVoid
     * @type Boolean
     * @since 0.0.1

     * The `nodeType` of the vnode's representing dom-node (1===ElementNode, 3===TextNode, 8===CommentNode).
     * @property nodeType
     * @type Number
     * @since 0.0.1

     * The `tag` of the vnode's representing dom-node (allways uppercase).
     * @property tag
     * @type String
     * @since 0.0.1

     * The `content` of the vnode's representing dom-node, in case it is a TextNode or CommentNode.
     * Equals dom-node.nodeValue.
     * Is `undefined` for ElementNodes.
     * @property text
     * @type String
     * @since 0.0.1

     * Hash with all the childNodes (vnodes). vChildNodes are any kind of vnodes (nodeType===1, 3 or 8)
     * @property vChildNodes
     * @type Array
     * @since 0.0.1

     * The underlying `dom-node` that the vnode represents.
     * @property domNode
     * @type domNode
     * @since 0.0.1

     * vnode's parentNode (defined as a vnode itself).
     * @property vParent
     * @type vnode
     * @since 0.0.1

    Object.defineProperties(vNodeProto, {
         * Gets or sets the innerHTML of both the vnode as well as the representing dom-node.
         * The setter syncs with the DOM.
         * @property innerHTML
         * @type String
         * @since 0.0.1
        innerHTML: {
            get: function() {
                return this.getHTML();
            set: function(v) {

         * Gets or sets the innerHTML of both the vnode as well as the representing dom-node.
         * The setter syncs with the DOM.
         * @property nodeValue
         * @type String
         * @since 0.0.1
        nodeValue: {
            get: function() {
                var instance = this;
                return ((instance.nodeType===3) || (instance.nodeType===8)) ? instance.text : null;
            set: function(v) {
                var instance = this,
                    newTextContent, prevTextContent;
                if ((instance.nodeType===3) || (instance.nodeType===8)) {
                    prevTextContent = instance.domNode.textContent;
                    instance.domNode.textContent = v;
                    // set .text AFTER the dom-node is updated --> the content might be escaped!
                    newTextContent = instance.text = instance.domNode.textContent;
                    (newTextContent!==prevTextContent) && instance._emit(EV_CONTENT_CHANGE);

         * Gets or sets the outerHTML of both the vnode as well as the representing dom-node.
         * The setter syncs with the DOM.
         * @property outerHTML
         * @type String
         * @since 0.0.1
        outerHTML: {
            get: function() {
                return this.getOuterHTML();
            set: function(v) {
                var instance = this,
                    vParent = instance.vParent,
                    vnode, vnodes, bkpAttrs, bkpChildNodes, i, len, vChildNodes, isLastChildNode, index, refDomNode;
                if ((instance.nodeType!==1) || !vParent) {
                vChildNodes = vParent.vChildNodes;
                index = vChildNodes.indexOf(instance);
                isLastChildNode = (index===(vChildNodes.length-1));
                isLastChildNode || (refDomNode=vChildNodes[index+1].domNode);
                vnodes = htmlToVNodes(v, vNodeProto, vParent.ns, vParent);
                len = vnodes.length;
                if (len>0) {
                    // the first vnode will replace the current instance:
                    vnode = vnodes[0];
                    if (vnode.nodeType===1) {
                        if (vnode.tag!==instance.tag) {
                            // new tag --> completely replace
                            bkpAttrs = vnode.attrs;
                            bkpChildNodes = vnode.vChildNodes;
                            vnode.attrs = {}; // reset to force defined by `_setAttrs`
                            vnode.vChildNodes = []; // reset , to force defined by `_setAttrs`
                            _tryReplaceChild(vParent.domNode, vnode.domNode, instance.domNode);
                            // vnode.attrs = bkpAttrs;
                            // vnode.vChildNodes = bkpChildNodes;
                        else {
                    else {
                        vnode.domNode.nodeValue = unescapeEntities(vnode.text);
                        _tryReplaceChild(vParent.domNode, vnode.domNode, instance.domNode);
                for (i=1; i<len; i++) {
                    vnode = vnodes[i];
                    switch (vnode.nodeType) {
                        case 1: // Element
                            bkpAttrs = vnode.attrs;
                            bkpChildNodes = vnode.vChildNodes;
                            vnode.attrs = {}; // reset, to force defined by `_setAttrs`
                            vnode.vChildNodes = []; // reset to current state, to force defined by `_setAttrs`
                            isLastChildNode ? vParent.domNode._appendChild(vnode.domNode) : vParent.domNode._insertBefore(vnode.domNode, refDomNode);
                        default: // TextNode or CommentNode
                            vnode.domNode.nodeValue = unescapeEntities(vnode.text);
                            isLastChildNode ? vParent.domNode._appendChild(vnode.domNode) : vParent.domNode._appendChild(vnode.domNode, refDomNode);
                    vnode._moveToParent(vParent, index+i);

         * Gets or sets the innerContent of the Node as plain text.
         * The setter syncs with the DOM.
         * @property textContent
         * @type String
         * @since 0.0.1
        textContent: {
            get: function() {
                var instance = this,
                    text = '',
                    vChildNodes = instance.vChildNodes,
                    len, i, vChildNode;
                if (instance.nodeType===1) {
                    vChildNodes = instance.vChildNodes;
                    len = vChildNodes ? vChildNodes.length : 0;
                    for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                        vChildNode = vChildNodes[i];
                        text += (vChildNode.nodeType===3) ? vChildNode.text : ((vChildNode.nodeType===1) ? vChildNode.textContent : '');
                else {
                    text = instance.text;
                return text;
            set: function(v) {
                var vnode = Object.create(vNodeProto);
                vnode.domNode = DOCUMENT.createTextNode(v);
                // create circular reference:
                vnode.domNode._vnode = vnode;
                vnode.nodeType = 3;
                vnode.text = vnode.domNode.textContent;

         * Hash with all the children (vnodes). vChildren are vnodes that have a representing dom-node that is an HtmlElement (nodeType===1)
         * @property vChildren
         * @type Array
         * @since 0.0.1
        vChildren: {
            get: function() {
                var instance = this,
                    children = instance._vChildren,
                    vChildNode, vChildNodes, i, len;
                vChildNodes = instance.vChildNodes;
                if (vChildNodes && !children) {
                    children = instance._vChildren = [];
                    len = vChildNodes.length;
                    for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
                        vChildNode = vChildNodes[i];
                        (vChildNode.nodeType===1) && (children[children.length]=vChildNode);
                children || (children = instance._vChildren = []);
                return children;

         * Reference to the first of sibbling vNode's, where the related dom-node is either an Element, TextNode or CommentNode (nodeType===1, 3 or 8).
         * @property vFirst
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vFirst: {
            get: function() {
                var vParent = this.vParent;
                if (!vParent) {
                    return null;
                return vParent.vFirstChild;

         * Reference to the first vChildNode, where the related dom-node is either an Element, TextNode or CommentNode (nodeType===1, 3 or 8).
         * @property vFirstChild
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vFirstChild: {
            get: function() {
                return (this.vChildNodes && this.vChildNodes[0]) || null;

         * Reference to the first of sibbling vNode's, where the related dom-node is an Element(nodeType===1).
         * @property vFirstElement
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vFirstElement: {
            get: function() {
                var vParent = this.vParent;
                if (!vParent) {
                    return null;
                return vParent.vFirstElementChild;

         * Reference to the first vChild, where the related dom-node an Element (nodeType===1).
         * @property vFirstElementChild
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vFirstElementChild: {
            get: function() {
                return this.vChildren[0] || null;

         * Reference to the last of sibbling vNode's, where the related dom-node is either an Element, TextNode or CommentNode (nodeType===1, 3 or 8).
         * @property vLast
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vLast: {
            get: function() {
                var vParent = this.vParent;
                if (!vParent) {
                    return null;
                return vParent.vLastChild;

         * Reference to the last vChildNode, where the related dom-node is either an Element, TextNode or CommentNode (nodeType===1, 3 or 8).
         * @property vLastChild
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vLastChild: {
            get: function() {
                var vChildNodes = this.vChildNodes;
                return (vChildNodes && vChildNodes[vChildNodes.length-1]) || null;

         * Reference to the last of sibbling vNode's, where the related dom-node is an Element(nodeType===1).
         * @property vLastElement
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vLastElement: {
            get: function() {
                var vParent = this.vParent;
                if (!vParent) {
                    return null;
                return vParent.vLastElementChild;

         * Reference to the last vChild, where the related dom-node an Element (nodeType===1).
         * @property vLastElementChild
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vLastElementChild: {
            get: function() {
                var vChildren = this.vChildren;
                return vChildren[vChildren.length-1] || null;

         * the Parent vnode
         * @property vParent
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1

         * Reference to the next of sibbling vNode's, where the related dom-node is either an Element, TextNode or CommentNode (nodeType===1, 3 or 8).
         * @property vNext
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vNext: {
            get: function() {
                return _findNodeSibling(this, true);

         * Reference to the next of sibbling vNode's, where the related dom-node is an Element(nodeType===1).
         * @property vNextElement
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vNextElement: {
            get: function() {
                return _findElementSibling(this, true);

         * Reference to the previous of sibbling vNode's, where the related dom-node is either an Element, TextNode or CommentNode (nodeType===1, 3 or 8).
         * @property vPrevious
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vPrevious: {
            get: function() {
                return _findNodeSibling(this);

         * Reference to the previous of sibbling vNode's, where the related dom-node is an Element(nodeType===1).
         * @property vPreviousElement
         * @type vnode
         * @since 0.0.1
        vPreviousElement: {
            get: function() {
                return _findElementSibling(this);

    return vNodeProto;
