The state of HtmlElements are always specified by their attributes
(see Featuring HtmlElements). Some HtmlElements have more sophisticated features than standard HtmlElement: the Custom Elements
. Those need to render and use javascript to keep up to date. Yet they still they have their state at the attributes (see i-tags).
The state of application-data
can be represented with views
(see i-views). Here, the state is to complex to set on the attribute, but the i-view always is a representation of the data.
Featuring HtmlElement need no custom rendering. The state is set at the attributes. Modules who can add this extra functionality, do this by setting additional attributes on the HtmlElement. After this is set, the HtmlElement has its extra features, but needs no rendering. All logic is delivered by the module and operates using delegated dom-events.
is ITSA's implementation of Custom Elements
. They are new created HtmlElement, that may look like this:
i-tags differ from featured HtmlElements in a way that they need to render
to get their final form. They do hold their state
inside their attributes, meaning that they will re-render when one of their attrubite changes. All logic is delivered by the module and operates using delegated dom-events and monitoring state-change of the element.
i-tags are made in a way that they always can be rendered serverside. In order to do so, they never use any clientside specific features that custom elements offer (templates and shadow-dom).
i-views is ITSA's implementation of MVC. An i-view is a part of the screen (mostly a div-element) which renders its content.
of all -or part- of the application-data is represented by the i-view. The state is not set on the attributes.unidirectional flow of data
: the screen is a faithful representation of the state of the data in the application. i-views will auto-render on initialisation and with any application state-change.vDOM
.can be rendered serverside
, so they will update based upon routing.itsa/iview